Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Huger Games!!!

Hey everyone,
I've been meaning to put this video up. Here is the first peek at The Huger Games!!! I can't wait until March 2012!!! I'm totally excited for it and I hope they don't ruin it because I LOVE THE BOOKS!!!! Anywho enjoy!!!

Get More: 2011 VMA, Music



Hey Everyone,
I hope you are having a good summer. Sorry I haven't post on here for a while. I've been meaning to, but then I get busy or I do something else. Over the last couple of months a log of changes have gone on some for the better and some not. Like some of my friends graduated this year and are off to college!! Great job ya guys!!! I'm so proud of y'all and I know y'all will do great in college!! Also I've found some of my old friend that I've missed a lot!! Plus this school year is my senior year, which it doesn't seem like I've been in high school that long. I'm still doing PSEO in fact this year I'm full time PSEO!!! I'm taking pre-cal at northwestern, Music Theory1, US History, Account 1, and Comp, with Crown!! It's going to be so different actually going to school here at Crown. Then there's the pick a college to go to, seeing about grants and scholarships. *sigh* I'll be busy this year!!
Oh and my church is getting a new pastor and I youth pastor so that's another change th at we're all going to make.
There are changes I wish didn't happy like insight throwing what they had going for them out the window. Insight is now part of K12, which so far I'm not impressed with. They took out all the fun electives we had and now we have the typical classes. I really wanted to take criminalogy this year since last year I heard about how good it was and I'm gonna need to take half a credit of social studies, but sadly now I can't. Plus now instead of have two semesters we will have quarters. I don't like this because 3 classes just seems too light of a school load. Also I know students will wait until the very end of the quarter just to do their work because 3 classes will seem to easy so they can slack off. They'll be stressed out trying to cram all that homework in, which in turn stresses out teachers because they're grading as fast as they can to get the student's grades in. Plus once the students fail or get horrible grades they usually seem to leave because they came to insight so they wouldn't have as much stress. Another thing why make us take finals 4 times when we can do it in 2?! I mean I'm pretty sure I'm like everyone else in the fact of I don't really like finals so why go through it more?? Also they told us that they were thinking that quarters would be nice because then it gives us the students a variety of classes. Well it's kinda hard to give us a variety of classes if we only have the typical stuff now isn't it? I won't go on because I'm sure you don't want to hear it. With all these changes happening at insight I'm glad this will be my last year!! They had so much going for them and then they just threw it all away. ='( The only things I'll do with insight will probably be book club and prom committee. Anyway enough about all these changes I got to go to class!! Hope things are going well for y'all!! Bye!!!