Monday, June 22, 2009

My mission trip to Mexico!!

In April of 08 I went on a mission trip to Mexico!! I was so excited because I’m adopted and that is were I was born but I was also a little bit scared because I have heard all the stories about how hard it was to get me legally over here in the USA. Also I want to see what kind of culture I would have grown up in. So this was very important to me plus I can talk some Spanish so it was kind of fun using my Spanish. It was so nice in Mexico. On Thursday we (The team from my church) started on the 28 hour drive. We drove all night into Friday. On Friday we found out our trailer had problems so we tried to get it fixed but it was 7 O'clock pm so all the shops were closing so we had to wait till morning. So we got to sleep in a motel which was very nice instead of sleeping in the big van. Saturday we got to the mission house pretty late. So we had supper and then got ready to go to bed, but before we went to bed we learned that we had to go to church at 5:00am! Because it was a sunrise service for Easter. We got to eat breakfast after church. For lunch we had a feast of fish, stuffed peppers, and lots of wonderful food. We (the girls) started bagging beans for Thursday (I'll tell you about Thursday later). Monday we (the girls) made breakfast for everyone , (who hadn't eaten already), then we got ready for VBS, me and a friend went to pick-up the kids from a Colonia in a bus that could hold about 60 people it was very squished, but a kind of good squish. Tuesday again we made breakfast for everyone and had VBS. That night we made brownies, we were having problems lighting the stove. Sam blew at the pilot the fire came at us (Sam, Miriam, and me) we made so much noise that we scared Natalie. Wednesday Natalie, Sam, Miriam, and I made breakfast and lunch and bagged rice into 3lb bags, and flour into 3lb bags. On Thursday we went to the Colonia to give the food (the beans, rice, flour, and the feed my starving children food) to the people who live there. We talked to the people and asked how we could pray for them, after that we ate lunch and went to the market. Which I had a lot of fun at. After that we went to a restaurant which the boys had a hot pepper eating contest. All the boys started to cry and say that they were not crying. When we got back to the dorms we start to pack are stuff because tomorrow we are leaving. Friday We all said good bye to everyone and start back on the 28 hour drive back home. When we made it back home and I was so happy to see my family and friends. I couldn’t wait to tell them about my misstion trip. =)
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