Friday, August 28, 2009

Please pray for my friend!!

Hi everyone,
Yesterday I got word that my friends grandma is in the hospital sick and she wanted me to pray for her and to get my friends to pray for her. Well today I got news from my friend saying that her grandma doesn't have much time left and to please pray for her!! So all that I'm asking is that you please pray for her!! Right now it's a really hard time for her! I know cause I've lost my aunt Susan. =( So pleas pray for her!! Thanks! Talk to you later, bye.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Oh No Whooping Cough is going around!!!=(

Hi all
Sorry I haven't been on for what seems like forever. Tonight I have my piano recital!! I'm really excited for that, I'll be play The Entertainer only the first part because that's all I know. =) My sis went to the doctors today because she's been coughing a lot and some friends my family knows have/had whooping cough, so my parents brought her to the doctors and it looks like she might have it!!=( I'm really glad right now that I had that shoot last October because that's probably the reason I haven't gotten it yet!! And I hope I won't catch it!!! Well that's it for today well maybe we'll see anywho. bye ttyl
For you who don't know what whooping cough is click this link to find out.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm back from the doc

Hi everyone,
This is me after I got my wisdom teeth taken out. I went to the doctor's today at
8am and they gave me laughing gas which made my fingers and toes numb and then they put a IV in me so after that I was out. I woke up in a different room the nurse and my mom were there and the nurse took the IV out of me. Then I got to go home and I slept for a long time. When I woke up I had some apple sauce and some yogurt and I watched the rest of my family eat really yummy food that I can't have!! I watched a lot of TV and now I finally got my computer so that's why I'm writing this cause I'm pretty darn bored!!! well I have to go take my medicine so ttyl bye
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Monday, August 3, 2009

Hi all I'm going to be out of it for a bit just to let ya know

Hi everyone,
last Saturday I went on a date with Josh at Mall of America!=) I had lots of fun as usual. =) And for those of you who wanted a pic of me and Josh together here ya go^^. Tomorrow I get my wisdom teeth taken out so I probably won't be on that much cause I'll be to busy sleeping. I'm hoping though that it won't take to long for me to recover from that but we'll see how it goes. Hey sorry all but I got to go so ttyl bye