Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Oh No Whooping Cough is going around!!!=(

Hi all
Sorry I haven't been on for what seems like forever. Tonight I have my piano recital!! I'm really excited for that, I'll be play The Entertainer only the first part because that's all I know. =) My sis went to the doctors today because she's been coughing a lot and some friends my family knows have/had whooping cough, so my parents brought her to the doctors and it looks like she might have it!!=( I'm really glad right now that I had that shoot last October because that's probably the reason I haven't gotten it yet!! And I hope I won't catch it!!! Well that's it for today well maybe we'll see anywho. bye ttyl
For you who don't know what whooping cough is click this link to find out.

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