Sunday, November 28, 2010

Persuasive Speech

Hey everyone!
Here is my persuasive speech! Enjoy it! Thanks everyone who watched me! Poor Kayla she's listened to all of my speeches. =)

From Videos

Just like my info speech. You have to click the photo to watch the video. =/

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hey everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving!!! I know I'm thankful for a lot!! I'm very thankful for my family, friends, just pretty much everything! I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!! What are you thankful for the most??? Well I'm going to go!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Japanese IQ Test

Hey everyone!
So this was something I got, and I thought I'd share it! Have fun with this brain teaser! (It took me a while to figure it out but I did it!) Enjoy it!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Poll: Should We Give Birth or Have an Abortion?

Hey Everyone,
So I saw this on the news, it's a poll as you can tell from the link. I thought I'd share it with you guys! As you guys probably know that I'm against abortion completely!! So I voted for her to give birth. You guys can go vote. Also here's the link form the news-
Poll: Should We Give Birth or Have an Abortion?
I'll talk you y'all later! Bye everyone!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Hey everyone!
So I've been meaning to post these links and stuff and now because my brain hurts from waaaaaaaay too much math I'm actually doing it! =) Anywho Wycliffe is a christian organization that works at translating the bible into as many languages as possible. Well I was reading something they sent to my family. I found some amazing links and I wanted to share them with you! So this first one is a link to someone blog who works for them, she talks about her time in Papua New Guinea.

These next ones are for their actually sites: this is to their blog-
This is to there Facebook page This is to their Flickr (photos) This is to their twitter- And finally their youtube-
I hope you enjoy these very cool links! Tttyl!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Hey Guys!
So my dad showed these to me last night, which made me laugh. =D I hope you guys aren't doing your math this way! And if you do that might explain why you guys hate math! lol =) Enjoy!

Veterans Day/Red Shoes for Rwanda

Hey everyone!
To day is Veterans day! Thank you all who have served! I'm not sure if I've put this video on before, but if I have oh well. It's a good video!


Now I found this cool blog via World Vision! It's called Red Shows for Rwanda. So this lady decided she's going to red shoes the WHOLE year of 2010!! Check it out!! The link will also be with all the other links! Well I've got to go! Talk to y'all later!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Book club!!

Hey everyone,
Ya'll know how I'm in book club and how I love the hunger games and was kinda obsessed about them. hee hee I couldn't help it they're AWESOME!! Anyway for book club our Awesome Leader/Sponsor/Adviser (I'm not sure what the right title is, but you get the idea) took these pics for book club and I just had to share them with y'all!! Enjoy! Thanks Andrea for letting me put the pictures up on my blog!

Book club is totally AWESOME!!! Right on Ali right on! lol =D
Totally not fair!! I'm jealous you got to meet her!! Oh well at least I get to see pics!! =D

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Information speech

Hey everyone,
So last night I did my Information speech even though my finger hurts. I hurt my finger on Thursday, my mom and I were walking the dogs (my puppy and my friends puppy) when she lost control of the dogs. So I went to help her and I grabbed the leashes which in turn hurt man middle finger. It was bent like I was holding something, which I wasn't. But it still hurts but I can move it at least a bit so tomorrow I'm going to the doc probably. =/ speech and everything is down below. Enjoy it!
I know my voice is really soft, but hey I'm working on it. =)
Oh and Thanks everyone who listened to me!!! You guys are AWESOME!!!

From Videos

You have to click the link to watch the video. =(