Tuesday, December 21, 2010

You might be a Minnesotan if...

Hey everyone,
So do you remember the "You might live in Minnesota " post I had?? Well if not here's the link.
Well this week I've got a couple to add to that list.

If you have to shovel the road because the snow plow shoves all the snow in and where your drive meets the road so you can get out of your drive way, You might live in Minnesota.

If you have to shovel a snow bank, so you can see when you back out of a drive way, You might live in Minnesota.

Now if you understand these jokes than a) you're either a Minnesotan or b) live/lived i Minnesota. I hope you enjoyed these jokes! Merry Christmas! (Yes I still say Merry Christmas even though that's not politically correct, but it seems just stupid to stop saying it because it has Christ in it. Also I understand that other religions don't celebrate Christmas, but they can surely respect me enough for me to say it, just like I respect them.)

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