Monday, February 14, 2011

2 Year Anniversary!

Hey everyone!
So on the 12th was Josh and mine second year anniversary. =D (I can't believe it's been that long, but on the other hand I can. XD) We did not celebrate our anniversary until today! Today we went to Mystic Lake Casino for dinner! =D I also got to meet his twin sisters, who are awesome! Anywho here's a few pictures of us.(^^ that pic is not as good as the one below...except that Josh is about to blink....oh well!)

Here's the teddy bear Josh gave me. =D

And here is the ring Josh made me!(it's made out of a flat piece of copper!! I have no idea how he did it!!! I've got one talented boyfriend!!) =D

So that is how we celebrated our second year anniversary and valentine's day. (I've got the best boyfriend ever!! Okay so that's only my opinion but hey it's my opinion that counts right?! ;) ) =D ttyl!

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