Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Hi Everyone,
Happy Halloween!! Today is my boyfriends birthday so Happy Birth day Josh!! I'm not doing anything for Halloween but I don't really care cause my mom bought some candy so I'll get some! Today I went shopping I got some stuff for my fishys cause they needed some things and my mom bought Monk session 6!!YAY!! *Happy dance* Oh and I got somethings for my shoe box. I know what your thinking you thinking WHAT?!?! So let me explain my church does Operation Christmas Child. See you get a shoe box and fill it up with things like toys, school supplies, just fun stuff. Then you bring it back to your church or the drop off place. Then the boxes get inspected to make sure everything is okay and it won't offend anyone that might get the box. Then they send them out to kids who are really poor and who probably won't get anything for Christmas. So hopefully now you understand by "Oh and I got somethings for my shoe box". Well I'm going to go so ttyl bye

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Birthday!!

Hi everyone,
Today is my birthday! Thanks everyone who wished me a happy birthday!!=) Sense I went out to eat with my boyfriend for my birthday supper, I didn't go out to eat to night but my mom did make tacos at my request. Thanks Mom! After supper I opened my gifts which were a necklace and earrings that have an S (Thanks Becky!) a movie called the Note (Thanks Mom and Dad!) a watch (YAY I can finally tell you what time it is Thanks again Mom and Dad) and a gift card to Walmart (Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!). Oh and My boyfriend sent me a sent me a cute happy birthday ecard. Thanks Josh! Well I'm going to go so ttyl bye

Saturday, October 24, 2009


HI All,
I went to the Mall of America to see my boyfriend Josh!!! We walked around the mall and of course got lost. Go us! LOL. Then after a while we met up with my parents and his aunt Martha (who btw is awesome!) and went out to eat at Ruby Tuesday. It was my birthday go out to eat supper. It was really good, but sadly I couldn't finish it all!=( After that we all walked around the mall. Becky got a build a bear. I believe that's like the whole date right there. hhmmm.....yeah that's it. Well I'll ttyl bye everyone

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Hi all,
So I woke up today and saw snow on the ground!! Yeah that's right snow!! Just enough to cover the whole ground but still snow!! The thing is it's only October come on I want fall I"m not ready for snow!! Oh well....Hey at least it's melting as I'm typing this. =P Well I have to go so ttyl bye