Sunday, November 29, 2009

Oh Becky you shouldn't get on my case

Hi everyone,
Today Becky (my lil sis) got all over my case because my friend Kayla (who's in the pic I have up on my profile with me) has made a good friend named Zoe. She says I'm losing my friend and I have to disagree 1)everyone makes new friends so you just have to share your friends that simple 2) I still talk to her, so it's not like I'm losing her 3) This is life 4) I know I can't be the center of Kayla's life so I'm happy she's made a new friend. But it seems to me Becky's the one who's upset about Zoe being Kayla's friend. So it seems to me it's Becky who's afraid of losing a friend. In life we meet people and become friends with them but sometimes life takes us on a different pay so we may lose some of our friends but it's life. Oh and by the way Kayla I'm happy you've made Zoe a new friend of yours! So I'd just like to say Congrats!! Well I'm going to go so talk to ya'll later bye,

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Hello everyone,
Today I was watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade like always. And as always the best part is to watch Santa come and say "Merry Christmas" because it's the start of the holiday session. Well guess what Santa didn't say that he said "Happy Thanksgiving" most like;y because he didn't want to offend someone. Well guess what. I'm offend because Santa is all about Christmas there for if you can't say Merry Christmas what's the point of Santa?!?! Also your always going to offend someone so just tell that person to suck it up after all we are in the U.S.A. we have to right of freedom of speech there for I can say Merry Christmas and if it offends someone they'll just have to deal with it!!! As you can see I'm a lil annoyed with this. Well I got to go eat so I'll talk to ya'll later bye,

Monday, November 9, 2009

English pictures.

Hi all these are some pictures I had to draw for my English assignment.

"The Fairy Tale Mosquito Net."

In this picture I made the view of the first person narrator point of view.

"The Mosquito Net"

In This picture I made the view of the narrator’s cousin.

Okay I hope you guys like these pictures and I'm going to so goodnite. TTYL

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Hey All I'm really tired

Hey everyone,
I'm super tired because 2 nights ago I stayed up past 12:30 doing an essay for english. Then last night I stayed up till 12:30 again trying to finish my myth I have to write for my folklore class. So I'm really tired and I have a bunch of homework because I get Wednesday off but in order for me to have that day off my school gives me double the homework today!! Does that seem fair?! So anyway I'm rushing to finish my homework before all my classes and before I have to go to work. Yikes!! Anyway here's the myth I wrote tell me what ya think of it. Thanks Bye everyone.

There once was a farmer, named Aadi. Aadi’s niece fell from a very rocky hill, which the sharp rocks pierced her. It pierced her so bad that you could see her intestines. The girl’s family decided that Aadi would be the best to take her to the doctor. So Aadi started on a long adventure to bring his niece to the doctor. Before he started on this long adventure he prayed to Vishnu for help and wisdom on this adventure. Off they went to go to the village’s first aid post in order to get her there they needed to ride in a very old canoe across a 20 mile lake. While Aadi is rowing the canoe suddenly starts leaking, so while he’s scary because it’s still 10 miles till they reach the land he starts praying to Vishnu to keep them safe. Once they got there Aadi thanked Vishnu for keeping them safe, and found out the doctor was not there. They could not find him anywhere they even asked the villagers and they had no idea as to where the doctor had gone. So Aadi bandage his niece as best as he could before he took her to the next closest doctor. In order to get to the next doctor they had to travel 15 hours by foot. Before he started on the 15 hour trip he prayed to Vishnu to keep them safe from all harms way. As he carried his niece he becomes tired because he does not have food or water, so he starts praying to Vishnu to give him the strength to go on. After he prayed his’ strength was renewed, but after 9 hours he was tired because of the very hot weather, no water for what seemed like forever, and no food to give him energy. So once again he prayed to Vishnu for strength, but Vishnu did not answer him as quick as the first time. So Aadi thought maybe Vishnu will give me some help up the trail. As Aadi is walking on he finds this hut and in the hut there is water and food. He talks to the family that lives there to ask if they will feed him and they say yes. As soon as he starts eating and drinking the family is suddenly gone. After he’s done he thanks Vishnu for the help. After that Aadi starts again on his journey, but as night falls he tries to get them to a place that will be safe to sleep. He tries to keep going so they can sleep away from this river that is the home of a lot of crocodiles, but because it is so dark and unwise to keep going on he stops here to spend the night. Before he falls asleep he prays to Vishnu for protection against the hungry crocodiles. Once they wake up they start back up on their journey to the Island that has the doctor. Aadi knows it’s 6 more hours till he will reach the doctor, but his niece has lost a lot of blood and does not look like she will make it in time. So he prays that his niece will be strong and will be able to make it. She makes it to the doctor and Aadi demanded that his niece get the best care possible, which she did and she only lived because of her uncle. After Aadi’s niece is in the doctor’s care he thanks Vishnu for all of his protection and for everything he has done for him and his niece while on their adventure. Once they returned home Aadi was rewarded for his bravery by the King. The King made Aadi his right hand guy.

Sorry it's so long.