Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Outcasts

The Outcasts
By Sandra Cash

We are people too,
And yet you treat us like we aren't.
Or that we aren't good enough to live.

We may not keep up with fashion,
or know a lot about a sport.
But we are people still.

You put us down and make us believe lies about ourselves.

Soon we start to fade and get sucked into
a hole, that we can't seem to get out of.
And we start to believe the lies about ourselves.

Our only hope that a true friend will come
And help us out of the hole, and to show us the truth.
That these lies we believed about us aren't true.

Once out of this hole, I hope we remember,
that if we see someone in the same hole
we were once in. That we will help them
just like our true friend did.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I had to share this!!

Jamie's BBQ burger recipe for Memorial Day

Dis is in the dictionary and a ranodm fact about it.

Hey everyone,
So a friend of mine was saying Dis is not in the dictionary and I was like I'm pretty sure it is. So me being me went at looked it up on the Merriam Webster dictionary online. And I found Dis (by the way if you use the link you have to go do to where it says 4 entries found. Then scroll down to noun and click that one to get to Dis. Or you can click the one that says transitive verb) in there, but get this it's been in the dictionary since 1986!! I couldn't believe it! Dis is that old!! Don't believe me here's a pic! Also don't mind all the taps I have up for school and such. =D Well I've got to go help a friend so I'll ttyl!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hey everyone,
I FINALLY FINISHED SPANISH!!! Here's my last assignment. I'll talk to y'all later bye!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Awesome Kelly =D

Hey everyone,
So I found this cool video my friend Awesome Kelly (that's her nickname. We gave each other nicknames last year when we got to know each other. =D) did. I thought I'd share it with you! By the way Kelly you've got a really nice voice! =D Okay so I put some more up, but she has a really nice voice! What can I say? And she's a super cool friend! Even if she does tease people a lot. In any case I've got to go because my lunch is ready!! =D

Okay this one isn't her singing but I like her music video and I had to share it with you! =D

Okay this one isn't her singing but I like her music video to the song. =D

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Prom video my school put up =D

Yeah I know you guys are probably really tired of prom, but I thought this would give you guys a waaaaaaay better idea of how prom was. So I hope you guys enjoy this video, just click on the link.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

YAY!! *Happy dance*

Hey everyone,
I just finished bio for the year once I get the may incentive!!!!!! *happy dance* =D So now I have English, Geography and Biology done for the year!! Meaning I've got half my classes done for the year!!! I'm hoping (key word being hoping) to finish Spanish 2 for the year tomorrow. Then I have Personal Economics and Finance, which I'm almost done with except that the last assignments you actually have do parts of the assignment in sections and you can only do one section per day. =( I'll finish Geometry the last week of May!!! So I'm almost done for the year!! I don't know about you but I'm dying for summer break!! Well I'm going to go, may the odds be in your favor!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

More Prom pics!!

Hey everyone,
So Ms. Berg was very nice and sent me more prom pics!! =D So here is a slide show of all the prom pics I have! I hope you enjoy it ;-). May the odds be in your favor!


Hey everyone,
So I was checking the news on yahoo before I start my iTutor session and I came across this super cool video. So go watch it. I've got to be going to my iTutor session so may the odds be in your favor

No more geography/insight school teacher.

Hey everyone,
So earlier today I finished geography class for the year!! *happy dance* And I have an A in the class for sure!! I stumbled across this online news paper about Ms.Berg!! You should check it out. Here's the link. I had Ms. Berg as a teacher last year and she's a lot of fun! Plus since I'm an iTutor I talk to her every Wednesday while we wait for people to come for either English or Math help. I'm hoping more of my peers will come in as the semester is ending, but we'll see. I've got to go get my lunch so, may the odds be in your favor.

Friday, May 14, 2010

I couldn't help myself!!

I couldn't help myself.

Winnie the pooh has
nothing on these guys.

Is it no wonder the
world has fallen in love
with these animals.

Mum? Can you come and get me down now?

I'm not coming out.
You'll have to come in and get me.

Kung Fu Panda...bring it on!

On the count of three.... lift!

Does this log make my butt look fat?

Betcha can't see me.....

Oops! Slight miscalculation.

You go. I'll just stay here and rest my head a little bit.

It wasn't me! I didn't steal this bamboo shoot!
It was just sitting here, I swear it!

I'll give you 2 seconds to get off me or I'm calling Mom.

Pardon me but do you have a napkin?

Darn paparazzi! Could we have a little privacy please?

Dear Martha Stewart:
I have this brown stain on my nice, white, fluffy butt...

Shhhh! I'm reviewing...

I cannot believe that I'm stuck in this tree again.
What is the matter with me?

I'm sure there's a way out somewhere.
I saw an ant go this way yesterday.

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...

Pandas looking for lost earrings.....

Absolutely nothing accomplished.
The perfect day for a panda...

I hope this made your day!
Now send this to someone
Who needs to smile!!

Update on Jamie Oliver Food Revolution

It will only take 5 mins at the most so will you help?

Hey everyone,
If you've been following my blog you've seen me talk about this. So here's the deal if you just found this blog. I want you to vote for this!! Their dream is to help kids who have a hard time learning to read and reading!! They need funding though to keep this up, so if they are the top 2 ideas that have the most votes for before May 31th they get the funding they need!! Which means you should vote for them!! It only takes at the most 5 mins. Why not? All you have to do is sign up for the site; they ask for name, birthday and email. Then once you've signed in you click on the vote button. It's that easy!! Also you can vote once everyday!! So what are you doing wasting your time, GO DO IT!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Abortion rant =/

Hey everyone,
I was looking on The Reblution and I saw this link Abort73 [Caution: Graphic] I was curious so I clicked on it. I found out that it was about abortion. In my opinion abortion is wrong unless it is because of something terrible happened to a girl like rape. Other then that I think it's horrible to kill innocent babies! I got looking and this website agrees with that. I started reading some of the statistics and it's just SOOOOOOO sad to think that we have let our government make it legal to kill innocent babies!! It's legal murder of babies! Even scientist agree that life begins as soon as fertilization occurs. There for abortion is legal murder of a baby. I'm sure you know how I feel about it by now. In any case I have decided to have a link that goes to Well I'm off to my super! May the odds be in your favor.
Open Your Eyes | Abortion Unfiltered

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Prom 2010 video!! =D

Hey everyone,
I got my prom pics up on my computer so I made a video. I hope you enjoy this video. May the odds be in your favor!

State Fair pics!!

Hi everyone,
Here's some pics from the state fair last summer. My computer is being stupid so I'm going to go. May the odds be in your favor!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

De-stressing/rant of this week

Hey everyone,
So this week has been super hectic for me! I had a funeral to go to on Thursday; a friend of the family's died on Sunday. =( Jan will be greatly missed by anyone who knew her, but in a sense she really is in a better place! I really liked what her grand daughter wrote for her. It was this poem called "Grandma's Dancing with Jesus."
Yesterday I had the MCA biology test. ICK! I know I didn't do well on it! See our teacher tried to prepare us for it but she didn't know what the test was going to be like, so she just prepared us on what she thought would be in the test. Well I studied all that the night before (yes I know that's kinda late to study but I'll explain that later) and when I took the test it wasn't on what I studied for. =/ Oh well as far as I know I only had to take the test, not pass it.
So Sunday since this was the day Jan died, my mom, dad and I went to Stan's house to give him a frozen dinner for this week. We sat around and talked for a bit. I was already behind in homework, I figured I'd make up for it after that, but I didn't. But it was a good thing for me to go and see Stan, I think it cheered him up a little bit.
As the rest of the week went on, it got super busy and yes I mean super busy! Between work, trying to catch up in homework, planning on going to a friend's house, a funeral to go to, and the MCA biology test. I didn't catch up, so this week has been stressful for me!
Today I'm hoping to finish some of my homework in Personal Economics and Finance, and geography. Tomorrow I'll do Spanish. In any case I wanted to share this song with you! I love this song! It's amazing!! Anyway I need to get of to homework so I'll let ya listen to the song. May the odds be in your favor,


by Scott Krippayne