Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wow, O.o

Hey everyone,
I stumbled across this wow shocking video. I wonder what I would have done in her shoes. Well watch the video if you want to know what I'm talking about. So here's the link.
Bye, talk to y'all later!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Catching you guys up =)

Hey Everyone,
I'm gonna check you guys up, because I haven't kept you guys up to date. Sorry! =( Anyway July 9th-11th I was in South Dakota! I went on a mission trip to Sound Dakota to help a Native American Reservation. My church had a team to go on this mission trip and I got to be one of the people who went. While on this mission trip we went to the Bad Lands and they're just AMAZING!! If you go to South Dakota you should totally go there!! While on the mission trip I was again showed that I should be thankful for every day stuff. These people have had their culture beaten out of them, so now they're trying to get it back and don't understand that you can be a Christian and still be Native American. It is very sad! So please pray for them that they will know you can be a Christian and still be Native American. Also here's a link for the place I went to. Click here.

While I was talking to my boyfriend last night I just realized (okay maybe not just realized but idk maybe it just suddenly sunk in) that I'll be a Jr. this year in high school!! Meaning I've got this year of high school and then I'll have 1 year left!! O.o I can't believe it!! It seems like I haven't been in high school that long!! It seems like just yesterday I was starting Insight School of Minnesota!! Where has the time gone??? Not to mention I'll be doing PSEO this year..meaning college work where I get both high school and college credit for it. I can't believe that I'll be a Jr. this year let alone that I'll have 1 year left after this year. Do you know what's even scarier? Summer is almost over!! =( We've only got like one more month left!!

Okay I'm done rambling on and on. Bye

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Poems by my boyfriend. =D

Hey everyone,
So my boyfriend (Joshua Lee Johnson) and I have this "argument" a lot I say I can't write like poems what so ever and he doesn't think that, and visa-versa. Anyway I got his permission to put up some of the poems he's written. I hope you enjoy them! May the odds be in your favor!

(By the way he wrote this first poem when he was mad. Also he doesn't really give his poems titles I gave them titles. Oh and please feel free to make comments about his poems!)

Teenager's Life
By Josh Johnson

too much hurt, so much pain
it's enough to make me insane.
Sometimes i wonder if it's worth it
or if anyone cares a bit.
Sometimes late at night
I have with myself a fight
whether I should let the tears run free
or if I should be the "strong" me
it's getting harder to live my life
I need love's help to get me through this strife.

To you my love
by Josh Johnson

To you my love I give you everything, my life to keep you safe, my soul for without you I am nothing, my heart to show you all my love for you, and my body so you have someone to hold. I once said that I wanted you to be my wife one day I say to you now that it is still very true.

To you I give my life as to keep you safe
I would stand between you and a knife
that way you stay that safe
I would stand in your place
if you were ever at blame
I would look at your face
and I would gladly take the shame
I love you so much my love I don't know what I would do without you. One day I will be able to make you mine but until then all I can give you is this poem and the promise of my ever lasting love.