Sunday, January 30, 2011

Folklore, Myths and Legends!!

Hey everyone!!
So my wonderful used to be teacher Andrea (Who is a awesome teacher!!!) made this wickedly awesome video!!

Now isn't that awesome?! Don't you want to join that class?? I know I loved it!! Now what insight should do is make a second sem for it!! I'd totally do it if they made a second sem!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Shame on you states!

Hey everyone,
So I saw this news story on yahoo here's the link. As you might remember I am completely against the new Arizona immigration law. If you want my take on it please go to the following post. When I first read it was outraged that these states are thinking about it. When it is clearly wrong no matter how you look at it. It also made me think back in history when we had the Jim Crow laws; which then made me think of this quote "History always repeats it's self." If this is true than does this mean that it's going to take another civil war to finally realize this law is not right! Or will we be able to realize this before another civil war? What is your take on this new law?

Why must it be like this?

Why do you hate me so?
I've never done anything to you.
The only thing I have done to you is give you your space
and respect that everyone deserves.
And yet you look at me with disgust,
because of my background.
You make jokes about my skin color and my culture.
Might I remind you that you get tan and dark
when you have been out in the sun.

We are all equal and have the same rights here.
And yet you make laws against me and belittle me.
I am a lot like you except for my heritage, and skin.
Isn't this American where everyone has the same rights?
Or are we going back to when we had the Jim Crow laws?
Didn't you learn about the injustice from those laws?
And yet here we are about to do the same thing,
but to a different heritage.
Do we really need to go through another civil war?
Or anything like that?

I will have you know that I will fight against these laws
until they are taken down.
For these laws are against me and are not right what so ever!
I want my kids and other kids to be able to grow up without this
racism against them.
I will do the best I can to give these kids this dream.
For no kid or person should have to go through this.
This is my dream. just like Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What I did with my 3 day weekend

Hey everyone,
How was you're 3 day weekend? I hope it was good! What did you do with it? This is what I did with my 3 day weekend...well besides reading!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Pieces of Me

Why are you pushing me away?
We were so close you and I...
We did everything together...
We had fun together...
We learned so much from each other.
You taught me how to do so may things,
Like how to be a great friend and how to be more out going
You where like my safety blanket when I was little;
You where there for me when I was hurting and when I did not feel like I fit in.

Yet now here we are,
You are pushing me away...
Can't you see how much this is hurting me?!
Why can't we still be as close as we used to be?!
Why now after all that we have been through?!
I don't want you to leave me!
You have been apart of my life for so long how can you leave me now?!

Now I sit here lost, confused and hurt.
Just wishing this was a horrible dream,
and yet knowing it is not...
I am here just wishing I did not get as close to you,
because than this would not hurt as much.
But if I did not let you get as close who knows what would have happened.
I believe I finally understand the quote:
"'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
For if I have never known you I probably would not have been who I am today.

I will pick myself up and put myself back together.
For there shall be more people who I grow close to and love.
And they will be apart of my life just like you.
I will always be grateful for the friendship we once had,
and I will always remember the wonderful memories we had.

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Puppy!

Hey everyone,
So I was going to share these pics of my puppy after having taken a bath a while ago, but since I've been somewhat busy I haven't. So here they are! Though I'm thinking I'm going to need to give my puppy another bath soon...

She's soo cute with that baby towel on her! Oh by the way everyone that black thing on her snout is her gentle leader. It helps me keep her in the bathtub even though she hates getting baths.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Hey everyone,
So I got this email.

Franklin Graham will be presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ at the Festival of Hope in Haiti on Sunday, nearly one year after Samaritan's Purse began providing aid to victims of the devastating earthquake that struck the country. The evangelistic event will be streamed live on the Samaritan's Purse website beginning at 1:30 p.m. Eastern time. READ MORE & WATCH OUR LATEST VIDEO.
" And then it talks about how to spread the word around. It looks very interesting and I'd love to wait it if I remember. I just though I'd let you guys know!

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Father's Concern

She comes running to you and says "I've found him!! I have found my prince!!! He's amazing, sweet and he loves me!!!!" You ask her all about him, and she gladly tells all.

You watch her get close to him and are happy that they are happy. But you also are worried he will brake her heart after all this is her first love.

Then comes the day when she runs to you saying "It's over! It's over and I never saw it coming!" You try your best to comfort her . Telling her that it is his lost, not hers. But deep down inside you know the words you say to her she won't realize that they are true until later. All you want to do is to erase the pain you see in her. You also want to yell at him who caused her the pain asking how could you do this to her?! But you know this won't help her.

You don't know how to help her so you just sit there by her side and are there for her as best as you can be. Because it hurts you to see her hurting like this and you know you can't do a thing about it. You pray late at night asking for healing for her. She tells you she can't and won't be able to love another person, but you know that's not true.

You hope the next time she comes running to you to tell you all about him. That this is the one and the one to stay.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My amazing friend Vi

Hey everyone,
One of my amazing friends Vi has wrote what I had wish to write for a few of my friends, but failed at it. I hope for those of my friends who are hurting find these words comforting. Sorry I couldn't put it like this. Here's the link to the poem. If that doesn't work go "Links you should visit" click on the Vi's Blog, and it will be the first post. If you for some reason can not find it, the poem will be down below. But please visit her blog for more poems and stories from her. She is a wonderful writer! love ya

post trying to keep posting.

By Violet Jensen

Its a shame you can’t see
The difference between
Two friends and the one thing they share
The love of their lives
And one has gone

I wish you could see
How it has hurt him
Love of me life
You would do just the same
His love has left him
Without any reason why
He has a right to know
I just wish would see
That the reason he needs to know
He though it was

You argue with me
“He needs to let go”
“But he needs to know”
He thought it was love
Had his heart torn apart
Can you just be there
For the sake that your friends

I wish you could see
How it has hurt him
Love of me life
You would do just the same
His love has left him
Without any reason why
He has a right to know
I just wish would see
That the reason he needs to know
He thought it was

He has seen what she is
He knows what she’s done
Now he needs our help
He needs us as friends
Just to be there for him
Tell him all will be well
And he’s not all alone

I wish you could see
How it has hurt him
Love of me life
You would do just the same
His love has left him
Without any reason why
He has a right to know
I just wish would see
That the reason he needs to know
He thought it was

Just open you eyes
Look at what love can do
It shuts off a person’s mind
Just listen to me
‘Cuz you really should see
Beyond just the visible pain
The heart ache inside
My love you will see
I’ll help you to see

I wish you could see
How it has hurt him
Love of me life
You would do just the same
His love has left him
Without any reason why
He has a right to know
I just wish would see
That the reason he needs to know
He thought it was

Some day he’ll find love