Friday, January 14, 2011

Pieces of Me

Why are you pushing me away?
We were so close you and I...
We did everything together...
We had fun together...
We learned so much from each other.
You taught me how to do so may things,
Like how to be a great friend and how to be more out going
You where like my safety blanket when I was little;
You where there for me when I was hurting and when I did not feel like I fit in.

Yet now here we are,
You are pushing me away...
Can't you see how much this is hurting me?!
Why can't we still be as close as we used to be?!
Why now after all that we have been through?!
I don't want you to leave me!
You have been apart of my life for so long how can you leave me now?!

Now I sit here lost, confused and hurt.
Just wishing this was a horrible dream,
and yet knowing it is not...
I am here just wishing I did not get as close to you,
because than this would not hurt as much.
But if I did not let you get as close who knows what would have happened.
I believe I finally understand the quote:
"'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
For if I have never known you I probably would not have been who I am today.

I will pick myself up and put myself back together.
For there shall be more people who I grow close to and love.
And they will be apart of my life just like you.
I will always be grateful for the friendship we once had,
and I will always remember the wonderful memories we had.

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