Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Catching you up part 2

Hi again!
So for once I actually finished everything that is due today yesterday....this feels weird, so anyway I have time before my next class to sit down and write. So where was I......Oh yeah Josh got his GED. He also recently finish his Culinary Art training at Job Corps!! I'm very proud of him! He stuck to it even though he was getting discourage at times! He's hoping to start college this fall!!

For Christmas my family went to visit extended family in Texas. It was nice and warm!! I got to wear shorts on Christmas day!! But I still missed a white Christmas. It was great to see my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents.

After Christmas I worked the rest of Christmas break, so nothing new really happened in that time. Then in January I started my second semester as a Junior! Oh my goodness!!! I can't believe that I'm a junior....I just got out of high school. It's kind of scary and yet very exciting! It means I'm almost done with my undergrad college career! I'll still have 4 more years of college but that will be grad school! Right now I'm taking chem 2 (I highly recommend taking chem 1 and then taking chem 2 instead of waiting two years unlike me! XP), genetics (Awesome class probably my favorite!), nutrition (this class is too easy for me right now because of my chem and bio background), Christian Doctrine, and spread sheets (thankfully this is only a 5 week class!).

Let's see what else is new with me? Nothing really.....soon Josh and I will be celebrating 4 years together, but that won't be until February. Hard to image that we've been dating that long. Oh I know, I have axolotls as pets!!! I'll dedicate a whole post to that later. ;) Oh Josh is graduating from Job Corps!! I wish I could go to his graduation but it's scheduled the same time as chem 2. :(

BIG NEWS!!! My friend is getting married!!! I can't believe it!! I wish the happy couple the best!! I'll be going to their wedding too! She deserves the best! This is the time for engagements let me tell you, I keep hearing so and so are engaged all the time! But then of course it is "get the ring before spring."  Plus everyone is teasing me that Josh and I should get engaged, since we've been dating almost 4 years. I keep telling them we're not ready yet!! First off, I want to finish one college degree before I even consider marriage. Second, both of us are not ready yet, we're still kids. Third, Josh is just now getting on his two feet experiencing what it's like to be on your own. Anyway, I'll get off my rant. I should probably do something more productive, so may the odds forever be in your favor!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Continuing from where I left off

Wow...It has been a long time since I've posted on my blog, makes me feel sad since I love writing on here. :( Let's see, my last post was about graduation. There have been so many things that have happened since then. After graduation my family and I went to visit extended family in Texas. It was nice to see my wonderful cousins, aunt, uncle, and grandparents. Texas, was well hot like usual, so I stayed in the air condition places since I do not like hot weather. Anyway, I believe it was a week after we got back home, that my grandma called. She told my dad that my Uncle-Grandpa had pasted away.

I hadn't even known that Uncle-Grandpa was sick. I knew he wasn't the healthiest person in the world, but when I last saw him he seemed fine. I believe my whole family was shocked to hear the news, but we were thankful that we saw him before he pasted away. Sadly, we could not go to his funeral. He was a very interesting man, I wished I had gotten to know him better. But then isn't that always true of when someone you love passes away? Don't you always wish that you had seen and/or known the person better? Wish you had spent more time together?

That was about it for the summer. I worked my summer away after coming home from Texas. Before I knew it, summer was gone. Then came Fall Semester of '12. I took bio 1, macroeconomics, cultural anthropology, gospel of John and spiritual leadership and development or SLD for short. All my classes went well, I got good grade like usual. I am so thankful that macroeconomics is the last economics class I will ever have to take!! Although, I did learn a lot in that class and now I understand more about politics. I might post my paper on if we should have another stimulus package, if I do I'll do that later. Cultural Anthropology was also a lot of fun, eating different foods, getting married (long story that has now come to the point where I have a family at's too confusing to write) and listening to Wycliffe translators tell us about their experience! SLD was a great eye opener about leadership, and how we define leadership is messed up.

During all my business with school, my poor boyfriend Josh had to hear about. Josh got his GED in September!! I am so proud of him!!!  I need to start heading out, so I will have to continue this post later, might as well end on a happy note right?
May the odds forever be in your favor!