Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm back from my date with Josh!!=)

'Hi all,
I'm back from my date with Josh, which was at Como Zoo!! I had a blast!! Today would have been prefect if we(my church) didn't get the bad news that my youth pastor is quitting...=( oh well he's got to do what he thinks God wants him to do. But I had a really wonderful time with Josh! I'm glad I got to spend a lot of time with him! =) He's a really sweet, nice, kind, caring, wonderful, I'd better stop myself now otherwise this list could go on and on forever, anywho he's a really (that huge list) guy! oh and I got some other bad news my friend Vi who I went to prom with might not be going to insight this coming fall =( I"ll miss her but hey at least I can still email her and chat with her. oh can't always have what you want....well I'm going to go now so ttyl buhbye

Friday, July 17, 2009


Hi all,
Well this morning I woke up at 7:30am to help my mom cause Goldie had an appointment with the vet, So I had to handle her. She behaved very well. Okay before we left I told my mom about this lump that was under my arm she said as soon as we'd get home she's call a nurse line to see if I should go to the doctor and if we should be worried about it. When she called the nurse asked my mom to ask me a lot of questions and I answered them and we found out that I shouldn't need to go to the doctor and/or worry, so I was pretty glad about that. other then that my day has been so-so. I can't wait till Sunday cause I really want to see Josh really badly it's been like 2 months or more idk all I know is that I want to see him and talk to him and yeah.....well that's all for now so ttyl buhbye =)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Hi all
Today I made Tapioca Salad. It is so yummy!! even if you don't like tapioca it's still awesome! ppl that don't like tapioca still love it so it's that yummy!! I can't wait till I can eat it lol. Oh hey did I tell you that I might go on a date with Josh on Sunday? Well now ya know. =) I'm pretty excited about that. I just hope he can come unlike last time....anywho that's all for now ttyl buhbye =)

Monday, July 13, 2009


Hi everyone
here is just a silly video that I made, so I hope you enjoy it bye ttyl.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hi all,
Okay so yesterday was my sis's birthday, so she had a party at that a sleep over party...I'm supper supper tired today and I haven't even gone to church yet! I know I'm going to crash as soon as I get home from church cause I didn't sleep well the night before why idk and then last night I went to bed at 12:25 but I kept waking up so I'm really really tired! and I'm getting sidetracked here cause I was just going to tell you all that here is a video of all the pics I took yesterday and some today so yeah hope ya like it bye bye
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh srry I fell asleep there for a sec.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

~The Truth~

Hi everyone,
I was just looking at some of the videos that my youth group has on there website and this was one of their videos. I found this video to be really cool and awesome, so I hope you enjoy it too.

Mission Trip to Mexico Videos =)

Hi everyone,
The first video is all the pictures I took while on my mission trip to Mexico. The Second video is the mission trip to Mexico too but it's the one that my youth group teacher made. I hope to go again on the mission trip to Mexico this coming year but we'll see what happens.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Youth group Video

Hi everyone,
This is a video that my youth group made.

Yeah I know I totally messed up the last line, but in my defense it wasn't my fault that when I yelled no one shut up!!

Hi everyone,
This is a video that my youth group made oh and I messed up my line a lot of times so yeah.....I love my youth group it's awesome!! Well anywho if you want to see what my youth group has or if ya just want to look at some of the pics they have just click this website-

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Collages Video let's hope it works =)

Hi everyone I'm trying to see how you load videos on here, so this is me trying to make and movie and me trying to get it to work so yeah...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hi everyone,Here is a picture of me and a friend at one of our friends house last Halloween. I'm the one with the "LOL" sticker...yeah yeah yeah....I know I'm really short. But hey being short has it's ups like I can hide a lot easier and I can fit in more places but it also has it's down cause then a lot of people think your really young and then they treat you like a baby but I'm fine with being short.

This is some pictures of my sisters last quiz meet with her team. Which I think they did an awesome job. Go Joy Jumpers or was it Faith Jumpers....idk I know I'll just say Go Living Rock!! That's the name of my church which I love my church!
Okay these are some pictures of prom, which it was AWESOME!! I can't wait till next year's prom.Well I really should be going cause it's getting late so yeah....ttyl
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Me and Goldie at the park =)

Hi All I went to the park a while ago and here are some of the pictures I took. If your wondering why my dog is on the stairs of the slide it's because I tought her how to slide down a slide but that's kind of hard to take a picture of so I got her to sit on the steps so I could take some pictures of her. Oh by the way this park is like really nice but kinda small and no one really goes to it.....I wonder why that is....hhmm........oh well =)

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