Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm back from my date with Josh!!=)

'Hi all,
I'm back from my date with Josh, which was at Como Zoo!! I had a blast!! Today would have been prefect if we(my church) didn't get the bad news that my youth pastor is quitting...=( oh well he's got to do what he thinks God wants him to do. But I had a really wonderful time with Josh! I'm glad I got to spend a lot of time with him! =) He's a really sweet, nice, kind, caring, wonderful, I'd better stop myself now otherwise this list could go on and on forever, anywho he's a really (that huge list) guy! oh and I got some other bad news my friend Vi who I went to prom with might not be going to insight this coming fall =( I"ll miss her but hey at least I can still email her and chat with her. oh can't always have what you want....well I'm going to go now so ttyl buhbye

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