Friday, July 3, 2009

Hi everyone,Here is a picture of me and a friend at one of our friends house last Halloween. I'm the one with the "LOL" sticker...yeah yeah yeah....I know I'm really short. But hey being short has it's ups like I can hide a lot easier and I can fit in more places but it also has it's down cause then a lot of people think your really young and then they treat you like a baby but I'm fine with being short.

This is some pictures of my sisters last quiz meet with her team. Which I think they did an awesome job. Go Joy Jumpers or was it Faith Jumpers....idk I know I'll just say Go Living Rock!! That's the name of my church which I love my church!
Okay these are some pictures of prom, which it was AWESOME!! I can't wait till next year's prom.Well I really should be going cause it's getting late so yeah....ttyl
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