Friday, July 17, 2009


Hi all,
Well this morning I woke up at 7:30am to help my mom cause Goldie had an appointment with the vet, So I had to handle her. She behaved very well. Okay before we left I told my mom about this lump that was under my arm she said as soon as we'd get home she's call a nurse line to see if I should go to the doctor and if we should be worried about it. When she called the nurse asked my mom to ask me a lot of questions and I answered them and we found out that I shouldn't need to go to the doctor and/or worry, so I was pretty glad about that. other then that my day has been so-so. I can't wait till Sunday cause I really want to see Josh really badly it's been like 2 months or more idk all I know is that I want to see him and talk to him and yeah.....well that's all for now so ttyl buhbye =)

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