Tuesday, September 28, 2010

School/Marine Science class

Hey everyone!
So far school has been really hectic because I'm doing pseo and one class at insight which I got behind on because of 2 days it was thunderstorming and since I'm taking my classes online I couldn't use my computer. (See we've had a computer get zapped during a thunderstorm so we now unplug them each time there's a thunderstorm.) So I got behind, but thankfully I'm now all caught up in my Marine Science class which feels like an honors class when it's not. Anywho I wanted to share this cool assignment I had fun doing. I'll ttyl!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

This is how I spent my last week of summer =(

Hey everyone,
So remember how like what seems like a long time ago I told you that my last couple of weeks of summer were going to be busy. Well here's how one of those weeks went. It took me 5 WHOLE DAYS TO DO THIS!! By the way I did NOT pick out the song!! Well enjoy the video!! ttfn!!

I like this song!!

Hey everyone,
I thought I'd share a Taylor Swift song that I love!!! The song is Mine; it's such a sweet love story! Enjoy the video!! ttfn!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Self-Introduction Speech!!

Hey everyone,
This is my first speech!! Feel free to give me feedback!! Thanks!! ttfn!!
Kellie has already told me I need to speak up, so any other feedback would be amazing!! Thanks!! oh and Thanks Kellie for recording my speech!! Thanks everyone who listened to me!! You guys are awesome!!!

Also if you want to read my speech here you go!


Hey everyone,
So I was uploading my speech to tangle.com It's a tangle video, pretty much it's a Christian youtube. Anyway I saw this very sad video that I'm sharing with y'all. She had an amazing husband!! You can tell he loved her very much!! =( I hope one day all my friends and I will have amazing husbands that would do something like that for us. Anyway I'm going to go now! Talk to y'all later!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Math/Devotionals ramble

Hi again,
So I was listening to You never let go by Matt Redman while doing Math. (Yes I know probably not the best studying skills but hey I can do it that way. =P) Which that song always make me think of my Mission trip to Mexico. =D Which I'd love to go back again if I ever get the chance too!! Well and if it's safe lately it's not very safe, there's like one place (when I last looked with my dad) that wasn't where gags fights are going on, but that one place is surrounded by all the other gangs. =( I loved going to Mexico!! It was super beautiful!! Plus everything was pretty much my height!! Oh for those of you who don't know I'm from Mexico, so it's kinda like my second home country if you understand what I mean. I mean the U.S.A. is my home and I'm a U.S.A. citizen but Mexico is where I was born and so it's like my second home country. I hope that made since..=/
Anyway I totally got of topic. Sorry!! But this is me and I ramble and I'm random! So get used to it!! lol =D Anyway in math classes I'm suppose to always start out with devotionals from The Global Prayer Digest. It's really cool!! Like today's people that I prayed for were the Lakshadweep people in Sri Lanka and what you should pray for them. It's supper cool and I recommend that you visit it once a day!! Okay well I guess I really should go do speech. =/ I'll talk to y'all later!!

You Never Let Go (Premiere Performance Plus Track)

by Matt Redman

State Fair

Hey everyone,
So on Labor Day I went to the State fair and I saw Josh!! XD Guess what?! We didn't actually get lost on this date!! I know what you're thinking, either huh? or who cares! Well you see Josh and I always get lost on ever date we've had...well at least pretty much. Anyway I'm never letting Josh over feed me again!! Josh got me some cookies and (because he was holding them) kept offering me another cookie after another. After that I totally wasn't feeling good after that!! Thanks Josh!! Okay so it was partly my fault but it was also his too. We walked around the state fair saw some horses, horse shows, and saw how vets spay dogs (it's not as gross as you're thinking right now). We had a lot of fun, well except for me not feeling good after all those cookies. Well that pretty much sums up the date, plus I really should start on college. =) So I'll talk to y'all later!!
Josh didn't act really surprise that I had purple hair. In fact he kept playing with it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Question for you!!!

Hey everyone,
So I've got a question for y'all. Does anyone know of any good Spanish Christian music?? I really want to find some good spansih Christian music to listen too, but I don't know of any bands. =/ So if you do please tell me!! Thanks!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I've made it!!! XD

Hey everyone,
I made it through my first week of college!!! I think the 4 classes that I have will be just the right amount of work for me!! I love the math (yes I know you're thinking weirdo but I love math so get over it) and the history!! As for speech it's okay, I mean I'll get through it but it's not one of the classes I'm going to be like "I totally love it!!!" as for P.E. I'm only doing it so I can be done with it because I only need 1 more credit of it. I'm enjoying college and I'm super thankful that I don't have to drive there and back I mean that's a far drive!! Which I found out Wyatt (he's from book club) Lives like next to Northwestern College. Anyway so that about sums up my week. Oh and I forgot MockingJay was AMAZING,AWESOMEST BOOK EVER!!! If you haven't read the huger game series you should totally read them they're AWESOME!!! Well may the odds forever be in your favor!
~Sandy Cash