Thursday, March 24, 2011


You say I am one of your closest friends
and one of your only friends.
I tell you that you are one of my closest friends too.
No, wait you are more than that,
you are my sister!
Whom I love and care about deeply.

We've had our differences,
but this time it seems different.
You are mad at me.
I tell you I am very sorry
and that I did not mean to hurt you!
You say you forgive me.
I believe you, but then....

The next thing I know
you seem to be ignoring me!
All I ask is why?
I thought you said you forgave me!!
I thought you valued our friendship more than this!
I hope this does not mean our friendship is coming to a end.
After all you are my sister...
So now I wait to find out if this means an end to our friendship or
if you still want to be my friend...

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