Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Break!

Hey everyone!
Since last Wednesday I've been on winter break! =D I'm really enjoying it too, I'm hoping to do some baking (which I already have started on!), knitting, getting ready for Christmas, doing my crafts, relaxing, and hanging out with my family and friends!
Also my first semester at Crown went really well, I enjoyed all of my classes and I got A-'s in all of my classes!!! I finished my fall semester of being a senior in high school and my last semester of being a freshman in college!!! This coming semester should be a good one! I have almost all the same doctors and professors with the exception of one and that's will be for my bio class! =D I'm gonna be taking accounting 2, bio 2, Writing and Lit, World Civ, and New Testament Archeology! Well I hope y'all enjoy you're Christmas break! Merry Christmas!! 

Friday, December 9, 2011

The one question I hate

Hey Everyone,
Out of all the questions I've been asked there is only one question that I absolutely hate! That question is "Where are you from?" I hate this question because I have troubles answering this question. Why you ask? How could I have problems with answering such an easy question? Well I have problems because I have three places where I am from. Three homes, in which have made me who I am today. If we are talking about where I was born, well then I am from Mexico. I lived in Mexico for a few months, I don't know how long considering I was adopted as a baby. Once the adoption was finalized my parents brought me home in Minnesota, which I lived the first two years of my life here. Then I moved to Indiana, which I feel that my childhood was spent there. Then I moved back here, and have spent the rest of my time here up to the present. This being said, which one should I make the answer? All three are my home, all three have changed me, all three are where I am from. If I give the long explanation that I just gave sometimes I am pitied because I am adopted. As you know I do not like that pity since I have written about this on my adoption blog. Where on the other hand sometimes a quick answer is necessary, which then means I have to pick. To pick is such a hard thing for me, how do I pick between three wonderful places! This is why I hate this question.....I never have a really good answer unless I tell them the long explanation, which not everyone wants to hear. Well that's all I really have to say. Have a great weekend! Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Hey Everyone,
Sorry I haven't kept up with this blog, but college has kept me very busy! Plus I had my appendix taken out, so that cut off about a week of my life just from being in the hospital to recovering. I've enjoyed all of my classes I've taken this semester, although I did have to drop pre-cal because I did not have the time I thought I would. =/ As of right now I am almost done with my semester! YAY!! This is why I actually have time to update this blog. I have finished all my assignments in almost all of my classes except for accounting. I have the comprehensive problem to finish. Next week is finals and I'll be happy once they are over, because I am ready for a break! I am tired of writing essays, and doing homework, I want to do fun stuff that I enjoy!!

Anywho enough about me. As some of you may know my boyfriend Josh, was trying to get into Job Corps to help him get an education and to help him go for his dream. He finally got in!!! He left for Job Corps on Tuesday morning. I miss him, but I know it's for the best. He's finally able to go for his dream, which is a good thing. He wants to go into culinary arts, which I think fits him very well. Maybe I can convince him to practice his new skills on my family.... ;) Also he found out from a practice GED test that he could pass the GED test!!! I'm so proud of him! :) I also learned this summer/fall he makes the BEST bacon ever!!!

Well I think that's about all that's happened from last time I posted on here. Hope you have a great Christmas break and Christmas!