Friday, December 9, 2011

The one question I hate

Hey Everyone,
Out of all the questions I've been asked there is only one question that I absolutely hate! That question is "Where are you from?" I hate this question because I have troubles answering this question. Why you ask? How could I have problems with answering such an easy question? Well I have problems because I have three places where I am from. Three homes, in which have made me who I am today. If we are talking about where I was born, well then I am from Mexico. I lived in Mexico for a few months, I don't know how long considering I was adopted as a baby. Once the adoption was finalized my parents brought me home in Minnesota, which I lived the first two years of my life here. Then I moved to Indiana, which I feel that my childhood was spent there. Then I moved back here, and have spent the rest of my time here up to the present. This being said, which one should I make the answer? All three are my home, all three have changed me, all three are where I am from. If I give the long explanation that I just gave sometimes I am pitied because I am adopted. As you know I do not like that pity since I have written about this on my adoption blog. Where on the other hand sometimes a quick answer is necessary, which then means I have to pick. To pick is such a hard thing for me, how do I pick between three wonderful places! This is why I hate this question.....I never have a really good answer unless I tell them the long explanation, which not everyone wants to hear. Well that's all I really have to say. Have a great weekend! Merry Christmas!

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