Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Break!

Hey everyone!
Since last Wednesday I've been on winter break! =D I'm really enjoying it too, I'm hoping to do some baking (which I already have started on!), knitting, getting ready for Christmas, doing my crafts, relaxing, and hanging out with my family and friends!
Also my first semester at Crown went really well, I enjoyed all of my classes and I got A-'s in all of my classes!!! I finished my fall semester of being a senior in high school and my last semester of being a freshman in college!!! This coming semester should be a good one! I have almost all the same doctors and professors with the exception of one and that's will be for my bio class! =D I'm gonna be taking accounting 2, bio 2, Writing and Lit, World Civ, and New Testament Archeology! Well I hope y'all enjoy you're Christmas break! Merry Christmas!! 

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