Saturday, December 12, 2009

Back from my date

Hi everyone,
I'm back from my date with Josh. We went to the Hazzle Dazzle parade (or how ever you spell that) anywho it was okay. I wouldn't want to see it every year and I think I'm good for a few years. Josh got a hair cut, I'd put a pic up of him getting it but that would be mean so I won't. (Happy Josh?) Anyway we both where late for the date. When he showed up he scared my sis, by saying hi and putting his arm around her neck. She jumped like 2 feet. So we waited for the parade which seemed like forever to start. At the end my sis while we where leaving said "wait aren't you going to kiss him?" I said "do you want me to?" she then said "yes." So I gave Josh a kiss. Then she said "YAY I'm going to tell Kayla tommorrow!" LOL Becky your so silly sometimes. Anyway I had a good time with Josh. I'm going to go, so goodnight

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