Friday, December 18, 2009

My Flood Myth

Hi everyone,
Here is my flood myth I had to write for Folklore class. I hope you like it. bye ttyl


Three hundred years after humans were created by Luna, the humans angered Luna the Goddess of the Moon. Luna was enraged with the humans because they had become spiteful creatures, acting like soul-less entities.  The humans were murdering each other, cheating, stealing and destroying everything around them. They were also being disrespectful to the great goddess Luna.  


The White-Haired Goddess Luna concluded that the humans need to be taught a lesson. She had sway over waters, thanks to the Water God being her uncle. These humans had a dirty soul so water would be the perfect cleanser.


Luna went to her uncle beneath the ocean, explaining how the humans were behaving. His eyes became cloudy and dark; a storm seemed to be brewing inside them. He told his favorite niece that the humans' behavior was unacceptable and that they need to be destroyed.


The Soft-Eyed Goddess Luna was unable to persuade her uncle to hold back the great disaster he was planning. Luna knew she would have to warn the humans. She found the one human family that still honored her.


Luna told Juan to build an ark, and to take one male and one female of every animal. Juan listened to Luna and thanked her for warning him about the flood. As Juan built this ark the people in his town laughed at him and told him he was idiotic for building an ark, it would never rain that much. Juan told them that Luna the great Goddess of the Moon warned him about a flood and when they didn't listen to him, he just disregarded them.


Once the ark was built Luna the great Goddess of the Moon told Juan tomorrow he would see all the animals coming to his ark and he was to lead them into the ark. Once he finished that he would bring his family, then once his family was safe Luna's uncle would send the flood. Juan did everything just as Luna said to. Just like Luna said as soon as Juan, his family and the animals where all in the ark it began to pour. It rained for one hundred days. Luna told Juan that tomorrow the rain would stop, but he would have to wait a week for all the water to drain. After a week that water was gone just like the great Goddess of the Moon said it would be.


Once Juan and all his family got out of the ark they thanked the White-Haired Goddess Luna for keeping them safe and for saving them. Juan and his family repopulated the world, because White-Haired Goddess Luna blessed them. The great Goddess of the Moon blessed Juan and his family because they never forgot her, and they were not spiteful and acting like soul-less entities as sin the humans her uncle had killed with the flood.

Entonces Jesús le dijo:
De cierto te digo que hoy estaras conmigo en el paraíso    
-|- Lucas 23:43 -|-
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach  - "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day."

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