Thursday, December 3, 2009


Hi everyone,
Well for starters it's snowing!! I'd put up a pic but I can't so no pic today sorry all. But anywho so I was loging in to Angel (my school web page thingy) and it was super super slow. I'm starting to wonder if Angel hates me or something....I want my battery to come today but sadly it won't come until Friday =(. So while I was waiting for Angel to load and everything I checked out CC's blog which Thanks CC for making me laugh. I have 4 essays to write *sigh* but with Angel being so slow it makes it hard for me to do my homework. Right now I'm not really liking bio because we are on Evolution and as I try to write about it I keep thinking "Dumb dumb dumb scientists this is not how we came to be! You really need to think instead of making stories up that sound good to you!" anywho before I really start to rant I'm going to go, so ttyl bye
Joan Crawford - "I, Joan Crawford, I believe in the dollar. Everything I earn, I spend."

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