Sunday, February 7, 2010

Black history month!! =)

Hi everyone,
So sense this month is black history month my Spanish teacher(from insight) had this extra credit that I did. I learned some new things by doing it about black history. So I"m going to share it. So enjoy learning something new! May the odds be in your favor,

el mes de la historia de los afro-americanos

To earn extra credit for this activity:

-Translate each clue from Spanish to English.

-Give the name of the person/organization that it describes.

-Tell the year that it happened.

You MUST have all 3 parts to get extra credit points for each clue. The number of clues you get correct is the number of extra credit points you will earn up to 20.

1. En Jamaica, esta persona fundó la Universal Negro Imporvement Association para establecer una nación negra en África.

In Jamaica, this person founded the Universal Black Imporvement Association to establish a black nation in Africa.

Marcus Garvey founed the Universal Black Imporvement Association in Jamaica on August 1, 1914.

2. El primer campeón negro de boxeo.

The first black boxing champion.

Jack Johnson became the world’s first black boxing champion in 1908.

3. En 1930 es el primer coronel negro del ejercicio EEUU. En 1940 es el primer general negro.

In 1930 he was the first black colonel in the U.S. exercise. In 1940 he was the first black general.

Benjamin O. Davis Sr. became the first black general in 1940.

4. Gana cuatro metales de oro en los juegos olímpicos en la competencia de atletismo.

Won four gold metals in the Olymipics competition in athletics.

At the 1936 Berlin Olympic cames, Jesse Owens won four gold metals.

5. La revista fundado para los americanos negros. Es como Life.

The magazine founed for black Americans. Life is like.

6. El primer jugador de béisbol profesional. Su equipo es Brooklyn Dodgers.

The first professional baseball player. His team is Brooklyn Dodgers.

On April 11, 1947, Jackie Robison played his first professional baseball game.

7. El juicio que declaró que la segregación racial es contra la enmienda catorce.

The trail which declared that racial segregation is again the Fourteenth Amendment.

Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896), is a landmark United States Supreme Court decision in the jurisprudence of the United States, upholding the constitutionality of racial segregation even in public accommodations (particularly railroads), under the doctrine of "separate but equal".

8. La primera jugadora de tenis que ganó dos títulos; los dobles de Wimbledon, dobles y solos de Francia, y solo de Italia.

The first tennis player who won two titles, the Wimbledon doubles, double and single in France and Italy only.

Althea Gibson became the first black person to play in and win Wimbledon.

9. El estableció el Southern Christian Leadership Conference para trabajar para equalidad para los afro americanos.

He established the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to work for Equal for African Americans.

Dr. Marin Luther King Jr. established SCLC on January 10, 1957.

10. Una compañía fundada en Detroit por Berry Gordy. Toca la música popular de los negros, se llama “Motown Sound”.

A company founed by Berry Gordy in Detroit. Touch the Negro folk music, called “Motown Sound”.

Motown began in Detroit in the 1960s, when Berry Gordy, Jr. founded Motown Record Corporation.

11. El primer jugador de básquetbol tener más de cuatro mil puntos en una estación.

The first baskeball palyer to have more than four thousand poins in a season.

Wilton Norman Chamberlain in his 1961–62 season he became the first player to score more than 4,000 points in a National Basketball Association (NBA) season, with 4,029, averaging 50.4 points per game.

12. El escribió el “Letter from Birmingham Jail”.

He wrote the “Letter from Birmingham Jail”.

Martin Luther King, Jr.wrote the “Letter from Birmingham Jail” on April 16, 1963.

13. Este grupo estuvo fundado en Oakland, California para proteger la gente contra la brutalidad de la policía.

This group was founded in Oakland, California to protect people against police brutality.

14. El primer entrenador negro de un equipo profesional. (Boston Celtics)

The first black coach of a professional team. (Boston Celtics)

Russell served a three-season (1966–69) stint as player-coach for the Celtics, becoming the first African American NBA coach.

15. El tenía setecientos quince jonrónes. Rompió el record de Babe Ruth.

He had seven hundred fiften runs. He broke the record of Babe Ruth.

Hank Aaron beat Babe Ruth’s record in 1973.

16. El ganó el título en Wimbledon, el primer hombre negro ganar.

He won the Wimbledon title, the first black man to win.

Arthur Ashe has become the first black man to win the Wimbledon singles' championship in 1975.

17. El se hizo el líder del Nation of Islam.

He became the leader of the Nation of Islam.

Since 1978, Louis Farrakhan has been the leader of a reconstituted Nation of Islam.

18. Este programa de Alex Haley es uno de los más populares en la televisión americana.

This program of Alex Haley is one of the most poplular on American telecision.

Roots is the program of Alex Haley in 1977.

19. El tenía el álbum se llama Thriller que todavía es uno de los más populares.

He had the album is called Thriller is still one of the most popular.

Michael Jackson album Thriller was released on November 30,1982.

20. El introdució un programa de televisión. Fue cómico y no tenía esteriotipas raciales.

The TV show introduced. It was funny and had no racial stereotypes.

The Cosby Show in 1984.

21. El fue el primer hombre negro estar presidente de los Joint Chief of Staff.

He was the first black man to be chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff.

Colin Luther Powell was the first, and so far the only, African American to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

22. El organizó el “Million Man March” de los hombres afro americanos en Washington DC.

He organized the “Million Man March” of African Americans menn in Washington DC.

Under the leadership of Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan organized the “Million Man March” on October 16, 1995.

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