Sunday, March 28, 2010

She deserves to be remembered...

This is amazing!
Enjoy this day the Lord has made...


The world hasn't just become' s always been wicked. The prize doesn't always go to the most deserving.

Irena Sendler

There recently was a death of a 98 year-old lady named Irena.

During WWII, Irena, got permission to work in the Warsaw ghetto, as a Plumbing/Sewer specialist.

She had an 'ulterior motive'.

She KNEW what the Nazi's plans were for the Jews (being German).

Irena smuggled infants out in the bottom of the tool box she carried and she carried in the back of her truck a burlap sack, (for larger kids).

She also had a dog in the back that she trained to bark when the Nazi soldiers let her in and out of the ghetto.

The soldiers of course wanted nothing to do with the dog and the barking covered the kids/infants noises.

During her time of doing this, she managed to smuggle out and save 2500 kids/infants.

She was caught, and the Nazi's broke both her legs, arms and beat her severely.

Irena kept a record of the names of all the kids she smuggled out and kept them in a glass jar, buried under a tree in her back yard.

After the war, she tried to locate any parents that may have survived it and reunited the family.

Most had been gassed. Those kids she helped got placed into foster family homes or adopted.

Last year Irena was up for the Nobel Peace Prize.

She was not selected.

Al Gore won --- for a slide show on Global Warming.

63 years later


Please read the little cartoon carefully, it's powerful.

Then read the comments at the end.

I'm doing my small part by forwarding this message.

I hope you'll consider doing the same..

It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended.

This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated!

Now, more than ever, with Iraq , Iran , and others, claiming the HOLOCAUST to be 'a myth'.

It's imperative to make sure the world never forgets, because there are others who would like to do it again.

This e-mail is intended to reach 40 million people worldwide!

Join us and be a link in the memorial chain and help us distribute it around the world.

Please send this e-mail to people you know and ask them to continue this memorial honoring this hero.

It will only take you a minute to pass this along..


Friday, March 19, 2010

Beware of Book!!!

YIKES!! Is all I have to say!

Beware of this book!! Oprah is pushing it. It is scary that someone would

be bold enough to write a book from God's point of view contrary to His Word. Please send to all with kids or grandkids.....


If you have children or grandchildren, work with children at church, or you have neighborhood children whose parents you know, please take note of the information below and pass it along to others. Schools are distributing this book to children through the Scholastic Book Club.

The name of the book is Conversations with God.. James Dobson talked about this book twice this week. It is devastating. Parents, churches and Christian schools need to be aware of it. Please pass this information on to church/e-mail addresses, Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, friends.

Please pay special attention not only to what your kids watch on TV, in movie theaters, on the Internet, and the music they listen to, but also be alert regarding the books they read.

Two particular books are, Conversations with God and Conversations with God for Teens, written by Neale D. Walsch. They sound harmless enough by their titles alone. The books have been on the New York Times best sellers list for a number of weeks, and they make truth of the statement, "Don't judge a book by its cover or title."

The author purports to answer various questions asked by kids using the "voice of God". However, the "answers" that he gives are not Bible-based and go against the very infallible word of God. For instance (and I paraphrase), when a girl asks the question "Why am I a lesbian?" His answer is that she was 'born that way' because of genetics (just as you were born right-handed, with brown eyes, etc.). Then he tells her to go out and "celebrate" her differences.

Another girls poses the question "I am living with my boyfriend. My parents say that I should marry him because I am living in sin. Should I marry him?"

His reply is, "Who are you sinning against? Not me, because you have done nothing wrong."

Another question asks about God's forgiveness of sin. His reply "I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive.. There is no such thing as right or wrong and that is what I have been trying to tell everyone, do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another and this is wrong, because the rule is "'judge not lest ye be judged."

Not only are these books the false doctrine of the devil, but in some instances quote (in error) the Word of God.

And the list goes on. These books (and others like it) are being sold to schoolchildren through (The Scholastic Book Club), and we need to be aware of what is being fed to our children.

Our children are under attack. So I pray that you be sober and vigilant about teaching your children the Word of God, and guarding their exposure to worldly mediums, because our adversary, the devil, roams about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). We know that lions usually hunt for the slowest, weakest and YOUNGEST of its prey.

Pass this on to every Believer you know. God bless! And, if you are in doubt, check out the books yourself

Entonces Jesús le dijo:
De cierto te digo que hoy estaras conmigo en el paraíso
-|- Lucas 23:43 -|-

Entonces Jesús le dijo:
De cierto te digo que hoy estaras conmigo en el paraíso
-|- Lucas 23:43 -|-

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

YAY!! =D

Hi everyone,
So you remember a while ago I said I lost my ring. Well today I found it!!! It was in my sweat/pants pocket. I forgot I had a pocket in these sweat/pants. How embarrassing! Oh well at least I found my ring!! May the odds be in your favor.

oh and here's a pic of my ring if you didn't see the pic from before. =D

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My short story!

Hey everyone,
Here's my short story! I hope you enjoy it! May odds be in your favor.

ENG 210-101

Sandra Cash

February 25, 2010

Unit 22 Assignment

Dr. Elizabeth’s Disaster.

By Sandra Cash

How did I get myself in this mess? I did not want this to happen! How come it ended this way?

Oh hi! Sorry let me start at the beginning. My name is Elizabeth, I am 26-years-old and I’m a scientist. No, I do not look like the stereotype of a scientist--I do not have white hair nor does my hair flare out like I’ve been electrocuted; I am not a man as you probably figured out by my name. I’m a short--like border-line hobbit height of Tolkien’s world.

Now that you somewhat have an idea of how I look let me explain how I got in this mess that I am in.

You see one day while I was working, I made a huge discovery. This discovery could change everything we know about humankind. I’m talking huge here. Not some dinky cure or vaccine for some body crushing disease; nor a missing link in the process of our species' evolution. No, siree. I discovered how to... TIME TRAVEL! WHAHAHA!

One day while I was in my secret evil lab I discoveried how to time travel! Yes it’s in the basement. Do you really have to ruin my fun by making me state where my secret evil lab is! Anyway I was working on this time travel theorem, when I finally figured out where my mistake was. See this is not my first time trying to time travel and well the times before these they where failures, but now I have figured out where my mistake was! WHAHAHA! Though I’d already have figure out how to time travel if it wasn’t for Mr. Fluffy! Yes I’m talking about you Mr. Fluffy. Mr. Fluffy is my fluffy white kitten; he helps me in all my experiments. Though when he tried to help me with my time traveling device he “accidently” spilled water on it!

Now that I’ve figured out how to time travel, I’m going to use my time traveler so I can stop Shanne from asking Jared out on a date. WHAHAHA! Okay so that’s not the only reason I want to use it. I also want to use it because when I talked to him I kind of came off as a geek, nerd, and shy weirdo person.

Oh you don’t know who Jared is. Here let me tell you about Jared, he’s an amazing, handsome, charming, and just plan perfect! He’s the perfect example of how a gentleman should be! He’s about 5’10” and he has really amazing curly black hair. He also has big dreamy brown eyes. *sigh* Okay enough about that or I’ll really embarrass myself.

I actually talked to him at the Laundromat that we both go to every Tuesday and Thursday. He asked me if I’d watch his laundry while he real quickly goes and gets his car from the car shop.

I said “Sure, I’ll watch your laundry. After all it’s not like it’s going to suddenly grow legs and start walking away.” He just said okay, thanks!

Once he came back we kinda started talking. I was so nervous so I know I sound really nerdy geeky and weird. I always seem to sound that way when I’m nervous.

All of a sudden Shanne came in. Shanne is the perfect blonde model type, you know the cheerleader, who only cares about her looks. She is tall just a little bit shorter then Jared; she’s skinny, and she can just about fit any kind of clothing and make it look wonderful. She’s the kind of girl every guy dreams of.

As soon as she came in she started hitting on Jared! MY Jared!!! How dare she!!! But just wait it gets worse! She asked him out on a date!!! And he said yes!!! How dare she ask MY Jared out on a date!!!!!!

Consequently I’m going to time travel and stop this from happening! WHAHAHA! Come a long Mr. Fluffy I’ll need your help. As soon as I push this button we will time travel to yesterday to stop Shanne!!! WHAHAHA! *click*

Wow this time traveling stuff makes you a dizzy. Okay off to the Laundromat to stop Shanne!! WHAHAHA! Let’s see what can I do to stop her from coming to the Laundromat? What’s that Mr. Fluffy? You think I should wreck the washing machine that she used that was right next to Jared. Okay it sounds like a good enough idea. Let’s hurry up it’s almost time for Jared to come to the Laundromat. Whew, we got here just in time.

Okay come on Mr. Fluffly help me unplug this washing machine. Darn it! I can’t reach it! Mr. Fluffy can you unplug it without electrocuting yourself? You can! That’s great! Hurry Mr. Fluffy! He’s coming!!!

Jared again asked me if I’d watch his laundry while he real quickly goes and gets his car from the car shop. This time I just said “sure” this time so I wouldn’t embarress myself. As soon as Shanne came in the washing machine next to Jared’s didn’t work. YES!! WHAHAHA!!

When Jared came in, he said “thanks for watching my laundry.” I said “no problem. So how are you?” But then he noticed Shanne’s washing machine wasn’t working, so he offered to see if he could help her.

Dangit! He figured out it was just unplugged!! Now Shanne’s going on and on about how smart he is to have figured that out, and thanking him. Well I guess that’s better then her asking him out on a date.

Oh no she didn’t’!!! She did!!!!!!! She just asked him out on a date, and he said yes. Drats! This is not supposed to happen!!!!

Oh well while they ignore me, I’ve got an idea that should make her think twice about stealing my guy!! WHAHAHA!!! I’ll just put this cupcake that will explode as soon as she opens the dryer! WHAHAHA!!!! Okay it’s all set up now it’s just time to wait for her to open the dryer!! This should be a good laugh!

Oh no!!! NO!!!! Jared opened the dryer to help Shanne with her laundry!!! The cupcake exploded in his face!!! NO!!! Now Shanne is pointing at me saying I used that dryer not too long ago.

Oh no he’s walking toward me! “Did you put that cupcake in that dryer? Is this so joke? If it’s a joke I do not like it! You seemed like such a nice person, but to think you did this!” That’s what Jared said to me, and then he stomped away with Shanne.

How in the world did I get myself in this mess!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Spanish homework.

Hi y'all,
So I have to watch some videos and then write a script as to what would happen next. The videos starts out with these guys are watching a soccer game on the TV. Then they get asked if they'd like to go to the stadium to go watch the game live. They of course say yes, and here is what happens from then on. btw the guys names are Ramón and Manolo.

Manolo: ¡No puedo creer que estamos aquí viendo el partido en vivo!

Ramón: ¡Sí, me divierto mucho en los partidos de fútbol!

Manolo:  ¡Yo tambien! ¡Mira! El jugador de Cruz Azul metió un gol! ¡El entrenador de Los Lobos se va a poner furioso!

Ramón: Sí, y los aficionados de Los Lobos ya se están volviendo locos.  

Manolo:Esta competencia es muy emocionada.  ¡Vamos Cruz Azul! Espero que la Cruz Azul gana.

Ramón: ¡Sí, yo espero que la Azul Cruz ganar! ¡Mira! El jugador de Los Lobos metió un gol!

Manolo: ¡No! Los aficionados de Los Lobas ya se están poniendo emocionados. ¡Vamos Cruz Azul! Se puede vencer a los Lobos! ¡Vamos!!

Ramón: Esto va a ser un partido loco.

Manolo: Sí, pero espero que la Cruz Azul gana.

Ramón: Pues quién sabe quién va a ganar, pero estoy contigo. Quiero que el Azul Cruz para gana.

Manolo: Sólo cinco minutos más. Vamos Azul Cruz! Ustedes pueden hacerlo! Mira! Nos acaba de anotar un gol!

Ramón: ¡SÍ! Hemos ganado!!

Manolo: Vaya que fue un partido loco.

Ramón: ¡Sí, pero todavía ganó!

Manolo: ¡Sí! Me alegro de que llegamos al juego.

Ramón: Yo también. Esto era mucho mejor que ver el partido en el televisor.

Manolo: Bueno, probablemente se debería hacer regresar a casa.

Ramón: Sí, bueno, fue divertido ver el partido en vivo.

Manolo: Sí, fue un buen y fue muy emocionda también.

Entonces Jesús le dijo:
De cierto te digo que hoy estaras conmigo en el paraíso    
-|- Lucas 23:43 -|-

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

OMW you have to check this out!!

Hi everyone,
So I don't remember if I told you, but I have to write a story. Well my English Teacher told us what we needed to include in our short story and she sent us to this link. Now you have to click that link! Got it? Also guess what!! Some one came into my iTutor session today!!!! I was able to help them!! It was for 310 English, but I was still able to help her!!! Anyway I've got to go eat, so may the odds be in your favor.
~Sandy =)

Also, here's the lyrics of the song you listened to.

Check it out yo...

Setting, that's like where it's going down,
Could be the train compartment, a castle or a town,
Could be the Arctic winter - like To Build a Fire
The temperature's dropping, excitement is getting higher,
Setting sets the scene so the scene seems set,
Could be the Italian restaurant where we met,
Setting gives us the where and the when,
Could be modern day, the future, or way back when.

Plot, Character, Conflict, Theme,
, yes these are the 5 things
That you're going to be needing
When you're reading or writing
A short story that's mad exciting

Plot is the action, the quest for satisfaction,
What's going down, what's going to happen.
Four men at sea in an open boat,
Rowing and hoping that they can stay afloat. The plot:
They have to make it to the beach,
But the waves are big, and the shore seems out of reach,
Plot is a series of events... like Lemoney Snicket,
It could be crazy, wild or straight wicked.

Plot, Character, Conflict, Theme,
, yes these are the 5 things
That you're going to be needing
When you're reading or writing
A short story that's mad exciting

Knock knock, who's there? Oh, it's the characters,
The people in the story who carry out the action.
Characters can be pretty, tiny or clean,
Characters can be silly, whiney or mean,
Juliet is a character, and so is Romeo,
Pokemon has characters and so does Yu-gi-oh,
Characters could be dogs, lions, or hippos,
JK Rowling chose Harry Potter. "Why?" Who knows!

Plot, Character, Conflict, Theme,
, yes these are the 5 things
That you're going to be needing
When you're reading or writing
A short story that's mad exciting

Uh-uh! Put your snack back in your backpack we're not finished!
Something gone wrong! That's the conflict kids
A struggle in the plot, now who's on top,
Could be a fight for money, like some robbers and cops,
Could be an internal conflict - a struggle inside,
Like I don't want to tell the truth but I don't ever want to lie,
Flick something in your eye, now you're conflicted,
What created drama? The conflict did.

Plot, Character, Conflict, Theme,
, yes these are the 5 things
That you're going to be needing
When you're reading or writing
A short story that's mad exciting

The theme of the story is the main idea,
The central belief or the topic that's in there,
It's usually something abstract like sacrifice,
Isolation or resurrection: we're back to life,
Like don't lie, don't practice libel,
The theme of To Build a Fire is survival,
Survival on your own like Fievel Moskowitz
Flocabulary's something that you HAVE TO GET...

Plot, Character, Conflict, Theme,
, yes these are the 5 things
That you're going to be needing
When you're reading or writing
A short story that's mad exciting

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Silent Substitute

Hey everyone,
First off yesterday I went to Melissa and Tina's birthday party!! It was really fun and I have a great time hanging out with everyone. =) So while I was at this party Silent Substitute came for their party and played for us!! They're AWESOME! Silent Substitute goes to my church, so sometimes they play for our church!! I got their autographs while I was at the party. Here take a look if ya don't believe me.

Okay so my picture isn't the best but hey I tried. =P
In any case you should really check this band out. Last summer they went to the Sonshine music festival. They have a website so click here, to check it out. They also have a blog, so here's the link. OH yeah and before I forget I just wanted to say THANKS SILENT SUBSTITUTE FOR COMING TO THE PARTY!!! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!! =D
Okay sadly I have homework to work on so, may the odds be in your favor.



Friday, March 5, 2010

where is my ring? Does anyone know?

Hi everyone,
So see I have this ring, and I've lost it. I'm usually very responsible with my stuff, but this isn't the first time I've lost something. What really stinks is that it's like one out of two rings that fits on my ring finger! It was a little big but it at least it fit on my ring finger! I've looked everywhere for it; I've searched my room; Where I do my homework; Everywhere!! But I still can't find it!!See I got this purity ring from my parents and I really like it, but for some weird reason I can't find it! It's driving my nuts!! The last place I remember putting it was on the thingy I put my other ring and glasses on every night before I go to bed. BUT it's not there!!!
Here's a pic of my ring that I'm looking for.

Miss Grace Purity Ring

(Derived from Psalm 51:7) A symbol of your baptism and purification into a new way of living. Two pink stones symbolize romance, love, and friendship, enclosed by two white stones to remind you of the purity of these relationships. The strong blue stone strategically placed in the center symbolizes stability and is a color that represents trust, loyalty, wisdom, truth, confidence, and intelligence.
If you want to look at more purity rings click here. I guess all I can do for now is hope it shows up, but I don't get it I have my other ring that was next to my purity ring so I know it should be here somewhere. Right? If anyone has any ideas as to where my ring might be please post a comment, cuz it's driving me nuts that I can't find it!! Anyway off I go one more time in search of my ring, so may the odds be in your favor, (there not in my favor right now lol)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Spanish homework.

Holá todos,

Yo ví los Juegos Olímpicos en la tele la semana pasada. Los Juegos Olmípicos son muy importantes, por que sólo vienen una vez cada cuatro años. Una competencia en los Olmípicos es la competencia de esquí alpino de mujeres. Las jugadoras fueron Lindsey Vonn, Julia Mancuso, Elizabeth Goergl, Andrea Fischbacher, Fabienne Suter, Britt Jannyk, Marie Marchand-Arvier, Maria Riesch, Lucia Recchia, y Gia Stechert. Las jugadoras fueron muy emociondadas y alegres. Lindsey Vonn fue la ganadora y todas perdieron. Yo era muy impresionada con las jugadoras. Las jugadoras son muy aplicadas, entusiastas, honestas, y responsibles. La competencia fue muy buena, emocionada y justa. Yo sentí la competencia de esquí alpino de mujeres fue muy justa, y divertida. De ninguna manera podría yo dormir durante la competencia de esquí alpino de mujeres, pero las jugardoras durmieron. Mi perro durmió durante la competecia de esquí alpino de mujeres por que mi perro fue candsada. Yo queria ir a los Olímpicos, pero ya no podía ir. Yo necesito salir, así que adiós!
