Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My short story!

Hey everyone,
Here's my short story! I hope you enjoy it! May odds be in your favor.

ENG 210-101

Sandra Cash

February 25, 2010

Unit 22 Assignment

Dr. Elizabeth’s Disaster.

By Sandra Cash

How did I get myself in this mess? I did not want this to happen! How come it ended this way?

Oh hi! Sorry let me start at the beginning. My name is Elizabeth, I am 26-years-old and I’m a scientist. No, I do not look like the stereotype of a scientist--I do not have white hair nor does my hair flare out like I’ve been electrocuted; I am not a man as you probably figured out by my name. I’m a short--like border-line hobbit height of Tolkien’s world.

Now that you somewhat have an idea of how I look let me explain how I got in this mess that I am in.

You see one day while I was working, I made a huge discovery. This discovery could change everything we know about humankind. I’m talking huge here. Not some dinky cure or vaccine for some body crushing disease; nor a missing link in the process of our species' evolution. No, siree. I discovered how to... TIME TRAVEL! WHAHAHA!

One day while I was in my secret evil lab I discoveried how to time travel! Yes it’s in the basement. Do you really have to ruin my fun by making me state where my secret evil lab is! Anyway I was working on this time travel theorem, when I finally figured out where my mistake was. See this is not my first time trying to time travel and well the times before these they where failures, but now I have figured out where my mistake was! WHAHAHA! Though I’d already have figure out how to time travel if it wasn’t for Mr. Fluffy! Yes I’m talking about you Mr. Fluffy. Mr. Fluffy is my fluffy white kitten; he helps me in all my experiments. Though when he tried to help me with my time traveling device he “accidently” spilled water on it!

Now that I’ve figured out how to time travel, I’m going to use my time traveler so I can stop Shanne from asking Jared out on a date. WHAHAHA! Okay so that’s not the only reason I want to use it. I also want to use it because when I talked to him I kind of came off as a geek, nerd, and shy weirdo person.

Oh you don’t know who Jared is. Here let me tell you about Jared, he’s an amazing, handsome, charming, and just plan perfect! He’s the perfect example of how a gentleman should be! He’s about 5’10” and he has really amazing curly black hair. He also has big dreamy brown eyes. *sigh* Okay enough about that or I’ll really embarrass myself.

I actually talked to him at the Laundromat that we both go to every Tuesday and Thursday. He asked me if I’d watch his laundry while he real quickly goes and gets his car from the car shop.

I said “Sure, I’ll watch your laundry. After all it’s not like it’s going to suddenly grow legs and start walking away.” He just said okay, thanks!

Once he came back we kinda started talking. I was so nervous so I know I sound really nerdy geeky and weird. I always seem to sound that way when I’m nervous.

All of a sudden Shanne came in. Shanne is the perfect blonde model type, you know the cheerleader, who only cares about her looks. She is tall just a little bit shorter then Jared; she’s skinny, and she can just about fit any kind of clothing and make it look wonderful. She’s the kind of girl every guy dreams of.

As soon as she came in she started hitting on Jared! MY Jared!!! How dare she!!! But just wait it gets worse! She asked him out on a date!!! And he said yes!!! How dare she ask MY Jared out on a date!!!!!!

Consequently I’m going to time travel and stop this from happening! WHAHAHA! Come a long Mr. Fluffy I’ll need your help. As soon as I push this button we will time travel to yesterday to stop Shanne!!! WHAHAHA! *click*

Wow this time traveling stuff makes you a dizzy. Okay off to the Laundromat to stop Shanne!! WHAHAHA! Let’s see what can I do to stop her from coming to the Laundromat? What’s that Mr. Fluffy? You think I should wreck the washing machine that she used that was right next to Jared. Okay it sounds like a good enough idea. Let’s hurry up it’s almost time for Jared to come to the Laundromat. Whew, we got here just in time.

Okay come on Mr. Fluffly help me unplug this washing machine. Darn it! I can’t reach it! Mr. Fluffy can you unplug it without electrocuting yourself? You can! That’s great! Hurry Mr. Fluffy! He’s coming!!!

Jared again asked me if I’d watch his laundry while he real quickly goes and gets his car from the car shop. This time I just said “sure” this time so I wouldn’t embarress myself. As soon as Shanne came in the washing machine next to Jared’s didn’t work. YES!! WHAHAHA!!

When Jared came in, he said “thanks for watching my laundry.” I said “no problem. So how are you?” But then he noticed Shanne’s washing machine wasn’t working, so he offered to see if he could help her.

Dangit! He figured out it was just unplugged!! Now Shanne’s going on and on about how smart he is to have figured that out, and thanking him. Well I guess that’s better then her asking him out on a date.

Oh no she didn’t’!!! She did!!!!!!! She just asked him out on a date, and he said yes. Drats! This is not supposed to happen!!!!

Oh well while they ignore me, I’ve got an idea that should make her think twice about stealing my guy!! WHAHAHA!!! I’ll just put this cupcake that will explode as soon as she opens the dryer! WHAHAHA!!!! Okay it’s all set up now it’s just time to wait for her to open the dryer!! This should be a good laugh!

Oh no!!! NO!!!! Jared opened the dryer to help Shanne with her laundry!!! The cupcake exploded in his face!!! NO!!! Now Shanne is pointing at me saying I used that dryer not too long ago.

Oh no he’s walking toward me! “Did you put that cupcake in that dryer? Is this so joke? If it’s a joke I do not like it! You seemed like such a nice person, but to think you did this!” That’s what Jared said to me, and then he stomped away with Shanne.

How in the world did I get myself in this mess!!

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