Sunday, April 25, 2010

Prom!! =D

Hey everyone,
So last night was prom!! YAY!! It was SOOOOOO much fun! =D And this year Josh was actually able to come!! Josh looked really spiffed up and handsome in his tux!! He was the best lookin guy there! There actually wasn't that many guys there, there was probably 3 or 4 guys there and that's include Josh. Wyatt was Prom King because he was the only guy student there. haha. I'm super tired right now because I didn't get hom until almost 1, I went to bed a lil after 1 and then woke up at 8. So I only got 7 hours of sleep and I ache every where from all that dancing I did. I had to drag Josh to the dance floor because he didn't really want to dance but after I got him started he seemed to enjoy it. I promise as soon as I get the pics from prom I will put them up here, but until then here's 2 pics of my corsage Josh got me. He had one too a white rose with some green fern and white lil flowers, too and yeah...I was suppse to put it on him...that didn't quite work out. I think his mom actually had to put it on him. Well I'm super tired so I'm going to go take a nap. May the odds be in your favor!
p.s. Josh won a pink camera last night at prom! =D

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