Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wow, I'm in the newspaper

Hi everyone,
So last Friday I did a interview with the local newspaper, and today it came out! Don't believe me check it out here is the link. I'm super happy that this week is spring break. I mean we've got beautiful weather outside that just puts everyone in a good mood. The flowers are coming up; everything is just coming back. I'm also getting ready to add so more herbs to my herb garden. Oh how I love spring. I'm also happy for spring break right now because this month (April) Is going to be super busy!! I've got what seems like something to do on every single day of this month, thought thankfully it's almost all fun stuff. Well except for testing that's not really fun, but it's not horrible either. I'll fill you in on how this month turned out probably next month. Yikes! I hope I can get through this month. Anyway I've got to go make lunch for my sis and I, so may the odds be in your favor.

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