Monday, June 28, 2010

Raise the Roof!!

Hey everyone,
My church is putting on Raise the Roof, and I totally want to invite everyone to come! Here's all the details about it. You guys should totally come!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Living Rock Church
17125 County Road 31
Norwood Young America, MN

Raise the Roof

Come to an evening of music and fun at the Living Rock Church farm for a fundraiser to help LRC raise money to build a permanent home! There will be lots of music throughout the evening, minute-to-win-it style games, caricatures, face-painting, basketball tournaments, open volleyball court, food, contests, and more!

Admission is $4
Bring extra money for tournaments, games, and T-shirts!

Featured musicians:

~ Brianna Neraasen
~ Steve Anderson
~ Oh Me! Oh My!
~ Machaela's Conscience
~ Jazz Fusion
~ Eli the Ice Man

Bring all of your friends, a couple bucks, a smile, and join us for a great time! See you there!

~ Music
~ Food
~ Drama
~ Games
~ Prizes

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