Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Hey everyone,
So here's some poems I wrote. The "Three little words" I wrote for a friend. Well I hope you enjoy the poems.

Three little words

These three little words
can change your life forever
Even if they are not true, they can still change you

When you find someone special,
that means so much to you,
that's when we say these three little words.

We use them to let that special someone
know that we care about them,
and that they mean the world to you.

Sometimes we don't seem to say these
three little words enough.
And then we regret it.

Some times we just say it,
but we kinda forget what it really means.

So when you say these three little words,
actually mean them, and tell your
special someone it when you mean it.

Who knows that special someone might really
need to hear it.
But be careful with these three little words.

Do you have

Do you have that someone
that you can always trust that they'll never leave you.

That you can run to when you need help.
Because you know they'll help no matter what.

That you can tell all your problems to.
And they'll make it all better.

Or on those horrible days you just want to die.
That someone reminds you about the good things in life.

Or when you've had a bad day and you need
to laugh, and that someone knows that and
makes you laugh.

I hope everyone has that someone in their life,
because I have that someone in my life.
And that someone doesn't know how much them mean to me
or how they have changed my life.
I don't know how I'd live without that someone.

So thank you so much someone!!

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