Saturday, April 23, 2011


Please!! Don't lose your dreams!!
Don't believe those lies that you are worthless, you are nothing etc...!!
Keep those dreams!!
I know life seems so hard and that those dreams will never come true.
But don't you see?
That's what they want you to see!!
You have to keep fighting!!
Just because they have pushed you down,
does not mean they win.
The only time they win is when you let them!
Get back up!
They want you to stay down.
You are wonderful!!
God made you!!
Nothing he makes is ugly, stupid, trash, or an idiot etc...
He loves you!! He sent is only son to die just for YOU!!
Now that is love!!
I know life keeps pushing you down and hurting you,
but with God all things are possible!!
He has a wonderful future all planned out for you!!
Don't give up hope!! He loves you even when you don't feel like anyone loves you!!
Darling don't give up!
Even when the world seems to turn it's back on you,
remember God and I are here for you!!
God can do anything!! He is all powerful!!
I am only here for you so you can cry on my shoulder,
talk to me when you need to vent,
give you a hug when you need a good hug.
I love you and it hurts me when I see you there hurting...
It hurts me when you slowly lose hope,
please try to keep up the hope!
I know it is hard, believe me everyone has their hard times...
But you must keep up your hope!
Never lose hope otherwise you have lost everything.
Remember God is in control no matter what so never lose your hope!!
I love you, and I hope you don't give up.

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