Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why must we grow up so fast?

Why must we grow up so fast?
Why it seems just yesterday I was a care free little child.
Just playing with my friends, not having a worry.
Not really even know what it is to worry.
Only thing that really kept me from being happy was being afraid.
I dreamed that when I grew up, I'd be with all my besties.
We'd all go to the same high school and would all meet our "prince charming."
We'd go to colleges close by so we could keep up with each other.
Then we'd all get married to our prince charming and we'd be in each others' weddings.
We'd have families and our kids would become besties and it would start all over again.

Now I am older, and I wish for those days again.
To be so carefree would be wonderful right now.
Not having to worry about this and that.
Not having to try to figure out what you are doing for the rest of your life.
Wishing that it was easy to meet your "prince charming."

Though now I watch as my sister and younger friends just want to grow up because they think being old is so cool and you can do so much more.
They are right in you can do so much more, but with that comes a lot of responsibility.
You have to make so many hard decisions, that make you wonder did I pick the right one?
You watch your friends try to find their prince charming and watch them get hurt.
Then you also find that one, but at times it seems like it's never going to happen while you watch your friends with their boyfriends and girlfriends.

Then the next thing you know you only have one year left of high school.
You are thinking of moving out of the house.
Going to college and picking a major to go for.
After all this will be our job once you get out of college.
And you wonder where as the time gone?
Why must we all grow up so fast??
You ponder the question and then start to see how naive you were.
You are happy for those days but you are also looking forward to your future.

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