Friday, December 25, 2009


HI everyone you have to listen to this. It's so funny! Well MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009



I just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!
Pablo Picasso - "Computers are useless. They can only give you answers."

Friday, December 18, 2009

My Flood Myth

Hi everyone,
Here is my flood myth I had to write for Folklore class. I hope you like it. bye ttyl


Three hundred years after humans were created by Luna, the humans angered Luna the Goddess of the Moon. Luna was enraged with the humans because they had become spiteful creatures, acting like soul-less entities.  The humans were murdering each other, cheating, stealing and destroying everything around them. They were also being disrespectful to the great goddess Luna.  


The White-Haired Goddess Luna concluded that the humans need to be taught a lesson. She had sway over waters, thanks to the Water God being her uncle. These humans had a dirty soul so water would be the perfect cleanser.


Luna went to her uncle beneath the ocean, explaining how the humans were behaving. His eyes became cloudy and dark; a storm seemed to be brewing inside them. He told his favorite niece that the humans' behavior was unacceptable and that they need to be destroyed.


The Soft-Eyed Goddess Luna was unable to persuade her uncle to hold back the great disaster he was planning. Luna knew she would have to warn the humans. She found the one human family that still honored her.


Luna told Juan to build an ark, and to take one male and one female of every animal. Juan listened to Luna and thanked her for warning him about the flood. As Juan built this ark the people in his town laughed at him and told him he was idiotic for building an ark, it would never rain that much. Juan told them that Luna the great Goddess of the Moon warned him about a flood and when they didn't listen to him, he just disregarded them.


Once the ark was built Luna the great Goddess of the Moon told Juan tomorrow he would see all the animals coming to his ark and he was to lead them into the ark. Once he finished that he would bring his family, then once his family was safe Luna's uncle would send the flood. Juan did everything just as Luna said to. Just like Luna said as soon as Juan, his family and the animals where all in the ark it began to pour. It rained for one hundred days. Luna told Juan that tomorrow the rain would stop, but he would have to wait a week for all the water to drain. After a week that water was gone just like the great Goddess of the Moon said it would be.


Once Juan and all his family got out of the ark they thanked the White-Haired Goddess Luna for keeping them safe and for saving them. Juan and his family repopulated the world, because White-Haired Goddess Luna blessed them. The great Goddess of the Moon blessed Juan and his family because they never forgot her, and they were not spiteful and acting like soul-less entities as sin the humans her uncle had killed with the flood.

Entonces Jesús le dijo:
De cierto te digo que hoy estaras conmigo en el paraíso    
-|- Lucas 23:43 -|-
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach  - "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day."

Thursday, December 17, 2009

You should look at these stories I found

HI everyone,
You should read these stories.

Woman abandoned in Fairfax as a baby finds her rescuers

Monument lifted from Cleopatra's underwater city

Faith the Dog inspires with two legs

Okay so now that you've read them aren't these stories amazing?!
Well I have to go back to homework so I'll talk to y'all later bye.
Entonces Jesús le dijo:
De cierto te digo que hoy estaras conmigo en el paraíso    
-|- Lucas 23:43 -|-
Mike Ditka  - "If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms."

Monday, December 14, 2009

Need a laugh? look here


The adorable kitten just could not abstain from eating all of the mouth-watering Pringles.

LOL I got this from a teacher who sent this to me. LOL. if you want to see more click here. ttyl bye!
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Take a look.

Okay so I was still on that blog that I gave you the link too, anyway I found this website from that other blog. It's mostly for us girls, but it's really good. So take a look.

Emotional Purity

Good Point

Well folks I've been reading "Do Hard Things" by Alex & Brett Harris, which is amazing!! I'd have to say a lot of teens should read this book! They have a website too click here to visit it. Just have fun looking at everything, but watch this video. It makes you think about how much time you spend on things you really shouldn't spend so much time on. So enjoy and I'm going to go do my homework so I'll talk to ya'll later, bye

Join the blog it's awesome!! Enlist Today

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Back from my date

Hi everyone,
I'm back from my date with Josh. We went to the Hazzle Dazzle parade (or how ever you spell that) anywho it was okay. I wouldn't want to see it every year and I think I'm good for a few years. Josh got a hair cut, I'd put a pic up of him getting it but that would be mean so I won't. (Happy Josh?) Anyway we both where late for the date. When he showed up he scared my sis, by saying hi and putting his arm around her neck. She jumped like 2 feet. So we waited for the parade which seemed like forever to start. At the end my sis while we where leaving said "wait aren't you going to kiss him?" I said "do you want me to?" she then said "yes." So I gave Josh a kiss. Then she said "YAY I'm going to tell Kayla tommorrow!" LOL Becky your so silly sometimes. Anyway I had a good time with Josh. I'm going to go, so goodnight

Friday, December 11, 2009

Spanish unit 13 assignment!

Hi All,
Just thought I'd post my spanish fable, because it took me foreer to write. Well I hope you like it. P.S. I would have changed the
Cuando tú mientes yo voy a hacer una parte pequeña de mi tela, ¿ok? but my spanish teacher told me to change it to that.

Había una vez una araña y una
La mosca seimpre mintió. Un día la mosca  estaba con las amigas, cuando se encontró la araña. Despues de salir las amigas de mosca. La araña dijo "¿Por que seimpre mientes?" La mosca dijo "¡Yo no miento, nunca!" La araña dijo "¿Ves? ya mentiste. Cuando tú mientes yo voy a hacer una parte pequeña de mi tela, ¿ok? Si  completo mi tela, yo te como." La mosea dijo "De acuerdo." La mosea nunca dijo la verdad, entonces la araña comió a la mosca. Porque la mosca se portó mal. 

Entonces Jesús le dijo:
De cierto te digo que hoy estaras conmigo en el paraíso    
-|- Lucas 23:43 -|-
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach  - "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day."

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'm back!

HI All,
I just got back from my piano recital! It was fun as always. I messed up a lil but hey my first song is hard especially just to jump into it like I did. I wanted to get there early so I could warm up but that didn't happen but hey I did my best. Well I'm off to write an essay so ttyl!
Samuel Goldwyn  - "I'm willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong."

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Well I this works...

Hi everyone,
this link is just me playing The Entertainer & Go, Tell It On The Mountain. So just listen to it and I hope you enjoy it. Oh btw don't mind the lil guy laughing in it. =) Well I'm going to go. Oh and you have to down load it from this then click on the download now with file factory. Then a window should appear asking you what you want to do just click on open with windows Media Player to listen to it.

the doctor, the old man and the moped

HI all,
So I got this joke and it's pretty funny, so I thought I'd share it all with ya. So enjoy and laugh. =)

A doctor goes out and buys the best car on the market, a brand new Ferrari GTO. It is also the most expensive car in the world, and it costs him $500,000. He takes it out for a spin and stops at a red light.
An old man on a Moped, looking about 100 years old, pulls up next to him. The old man looks over at the sleek shiny car and asks, "What kind of car ya got there, sonny?"
The doctor replies, "A Ferrari GTO. It cost half a million dollars!"
"That's a lot of money," says the old man. "Why does it cost so much?"
"Because this car can do up to 320 miles an hour!" states the doctor proudly.
The Moped driver asks, "Mind if I take a look inside?"
"No problem," replies the doctor.
So the old man pokes his head in the window and looks around. Then, sitting back on his Moped, the old man says, "That's a pretty nice car, all right ... but I'll stick with my Moped!"
Just then the light changes, so the doctor decides to show the old man just what his car can do. He floors it, and within 30 seconds the speedometer reads 160 mph.
Suddenly, he notices a dot in his rear view mirror. It seems to be getting closer! He slows down to see what it could be and suddenly WHHOOOOOOSSSSSHHH! Something whips by him going much faster! "What on earth could be going faster than my Ferrari?" the doctor asks himself. He floors the accelerator and takes the Ferrari up to 250 mph. Then, up head of him, he sees that it's the old man on the Moped!
Amazed that the Moped could pass his Ferrari, he gives it more gas and passes the Moped at 275 mph and He's feeling pretty good until he looks in his mirror and sees the old man gaining on him AGAIN!
Astounded by the speed of this old guy, he floors the gas pedal and takes the Ferrari all the way up to 320 mph.
Not ten seconds later, he sees the Moped bearing down on him again! The Ferrari is flat out, and there's nothing he can do!  Suddenly, the Moped plows into the back of his Ferrari, demolishing the rear end.
The doctor stops and jumps out and unbelievably the old man is still alive.
He runs up to the mangled old man and says, "I'm a doctor.... Is there anything I can do for you?"
The old man whispers, "Unhook my suspenders from your side view mirror."

Ted Turner  - "Sports is like a war without the killing."

Friday, December 4, 2009

Okay don't laugh now

Hi everyone,
So I'm going to do any essay on Santa saying Happy thanksgiving instead of Merry Christmas, and well guess what? No laughing now at me, but I wrote Santa at asking him why he said Happy thanksgiving at the Macy's parader instead of Merry Christmas. I can't wait to write this essay. I'm going to be writing it tomorrow. Wish me luck on it. Goodnite' everone

I need help please!

Hi all,
This week seems like the worst week ever! I'm at that point where I just want to curl up in a ball and go to sleep and never wake up, you know what I mean. So anyway please just pray that I'll be able to get through this week. Thanks.
Stephen Leacock - "I detest life-insurance agents: they always argue that I shall some day die, which is not so."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Rant again *sigh*

Hi everyone,
So I need a battery for my computer. I've called twice about this and both times I've gotten a charger. So right now as I'm typing this I'm talking to my imentor who's going to help me get a battery from tech. *Sigh* I want it so badly because I'm behind in school for this reason. We'll I'll let you go before I really start ranting!! ttyl

-- Pablo Picasso  - "Computers are useless. They can only give you answers."


Okay so this was on my homepage and you should totally watch the videos because they are awesome!! I just wanted to share them so yeah ttyl.

Have you heard of Parkour? Don't miss the next Experience Series – Your Backstage Pass to the World!

Parkour—as seen in Bond films ( )--is the art of overcoming obstacles as swiftly and efficiently as possible using only your body. The fundamentals include running, jumping, climbing and gymnastics.

Rafe Kelley is the lead instructor at Parkour Visions, a training facility that teaches the sport to new "traceurs" and builds their fitness through Parkour training. Skilled traceurs are often chosen as stunt actors to film action sequences in movies.

Parkour Visions also supports community projects that include the cleanup and building of public places, and teaching confidence-building Parkour to at-risk youth.

Parkour trainer Rafe Kelley

Tuesday, Dec. 15

Noon PT / 1:00pm MT / 2:00 pm CT

There will be video…Please encourage students to log on early!

On the date of the assembly (Dec. 15),

Homeroom - Minnesota

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach - "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day."

Becky's Rant

Hi everyone,
This is just to get Becky quite. Anywho we where making lunch waiting for the Turkey to thaw and I went into the kitchen and saw the dog take one of the pieces of bread that of course where Becky's. I for course scold Goldie and hit her snout so she knows she was a bad dog. Becky came in there and was all like "Goldie you've made me mad you know how I am when I'm mad" It was pretty funny but she doesn't think so. I'm going to go eat my lunch now so I'll ttyl bye
Ted Turner  - "Sports is like a war without the killing."


Hi everyone,
Well for starters it's snowing!! I'd put up a pic but I can't so no pic today sorry all. But anywho so I was loging in to Angel (my school web page thingy) and it was super super slow. I'm starting to wonder if Angel hates me or something....I want my battery to come today but sadly it won't come until Friday =(. So while I was waiting for Angel to load and everything I checked out CC's blog which Thanks CC for making me laugh. I have 4 essays to write *sigh* but with Angel being so slow it makes it hard for me to do my homework. Right now I'm not really liking bio because we are on Evolution and as I try to write about it I keep thinking "Dumb dumb dumb scientists this is not how we came to be! You really need to think instead of making stories up that sound good to you!" anywho before I really start to rant I'm going to go, so ttyl bye
Joan Crawford - "I, Joan Crawford, I believe in the dollar. Everything I earn, I spend."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blue Whale Song Mystery Baffles Scientists

Okay so I was looking at my yahoo home page thingy and I found this article. I thought it was very interesting, so I've decided to share it with ya'll. So click on the link below. =)
Blue Whale Song Mystery Baffles Scientists

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Hi everyone,
I believe it was last week I applied to become an iTutor for my school. Well today I found out I have been one of the few students accept!! So I'm really excited about that. I can't wait!! Oh by the way I'm a math iTutor, because math is my best subject,and it was either that or english. English totally isn't my subject. So yeah well I'm going to so I can try to catch up in essays but I'll talk to ya'll later bye

Ogden Nash  - "The trouble with a kitten is that when it grows up, it's always a cat."

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Oh Becky you shouldn't get on my case

Hi everyone,
Today Becky (my lil sis) got all over my case because my friend Kayla (who's in the pic I have up on my profile with me) has made a good friend named Zoe. She says I'm losing my friend and I have to disagree 1)everyone makes new friends so you just have to share your friends that simple 2) I still talk to her, so it's not like I'm losing her 3) This is life 4) I know I can't be the center of Kayla's life so I'm happy she's made a new friend. But it seems to me Becky's the one who's upset about Zoe being Kayla's friend. So it seems to me it's Becky who's afraid of losing a friend. In life we meet people and become friends with them but sometimes life takes us on a different pay so we may lose some of our friends but it's life. Oh and by the way Kayla I'm happy you've made Zoe a new friend of yours! So I'd just like to say Congrats!! Well I'm going to go so talk to ya'll later bye,

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Hello everyone,
Today I was watching the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade like always. And as always the best part is to watch Santa come and say "Merry Christmas" because it's the start of the holiday session. Well guess what Santa didn't say that he said "Happy Thanksgiving" most like;y because he didn't want to offend someone. Well guess what. I'm offend because Santa is all about Christmas there for if you can't say Merry Christmas what's the point of Santa?!?! Also your always going to offend someone so just tell that person to suck it up after all we are in the U.S.A. we have to right of freedom of speech there for I can say Merry Christmas and if it offends someone they'll just have to deal with it!!! As you can see I'm a lil annoyed with this. Well I got to go eat so I'll talk to ya'll later bye,

Monday, November 9, 2009

English pictures.

Hi all these are some pictures I had to draw for my English assignment.

"The Fairy Tale Mosquito Net."

In this picture I made the view of the first person narrator point of view.

"The Mosquito Net"

In This picture I made the view of the narrator’s cousin.

Okay I hope you guys like these pictures and I'm going to so goodnite. TTYL

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Hey All I'm really tired

Hey everyone,
I'm super tired because 2 nights ago I stayed up past 12:30 doing an essay for english. Then last night I stayed up till 12:30 again trying to finish my myth I have to write for my folklore class. So I'm really tired and I have a bunch of homework because I get Wednesday off but in order for me to have that day off my school gives me double the homework today!! Does that seem fair?! So anyway I'm rushing to finish my homework before all my classes and before I have to go to work. Yikes!! Anyway here's the myth I wrote tell me what ya think of it. Thanks Bye everyone.

There once was a farmer, named Aadi. Aadi’s niece fell from a very rocky hill, which the sharp rocks pierced her. It pierced her so bad that you could see her intestines. The girl’s family decided that Aadi would be the best to take her to the doctor. So Aadi started on a long adventure to bring his niece to the doctor. Before he started on this long adventure he prayed to Vishnu for help and wisdom on this adventure. Off they went to go to the village’s first aid post in order to get her there they needed to ride in a very old canoe across a 20 mile lake. While Aadi is rowing the canoe suddenly starts leaking, so while he’s scary because it’s still 10 miles till they reach the land he starts praying to Vishnu to keep them safe. Once they got there Aadi thanked Vishnu for keeping them safe, and found out the doctor was not there. They could not find him anywhere they even asked the villagers and they had no idea as to where the doctor had gone. So Aadi bandage his niece as best as he could before he took her to the next closest doctor. In order to get to the next doctor they had to travel 15 hours by foot. Before he started on the 15 hour trip he prayed to Vishnu to keep them safe from all harms way. As he carried his niece he becomes tired because he does not have food or water, so he starts praying to Vishnu to give him the strength to go on. After he prayed his’ strength was renewed, but after 9 hours he was tired because of the very hot weather, no water for what seemed like forever, and no food to give him energy. So once again he prayed to Vishnu for strength, but Vishnu did not answer him as quick as the first time. So Aadi thought maybe Vishnu will give me some help up the trail. As Aadi is walking on he finds this hut and in the hut there is water and food. He talks to the family that lives there to ask if they will feed him and they say yes. As soon as he starts eating and drinking the family is suddenly gone. After he’s done he thanks Vishnu for the help. After that Aadi starts again on his journey, but as night falls he tries to get them to a place that will be safe to sleep. He tries to keep going so they can sleep away from this river that is the home of a lot of crocodiles, but because it is so dark and unwise to keep going on he stops here to spend the night. Before he falls asleep he prays to Vishnu for protection against the hungry crocodiles. Once they wake up they start back up on their journey to the Island that has the doctor. Aadi knows it’s 6 more hours till he will reach the doctor, but his niece has lost a lot of blood and does not look like she will make it in time. So he prays that his niece will be strong and will be able to make it. She makes it to the doctor and Aadi demanded that his niece get the best care possible, which she did and she only lived because of her uncle. After Aadi’s niece is in the doctor’s care he thanks Vishnu for all of his protection and for everything he has done for him and his niece while on their adventure. Once they returned home Aadi was rewarded for his bravery by the King. The King made Aadi his right hand guy.

Sorry it's so long.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Hi Everyone,
Happy Halloween!! Today is my boyfriends birthday so Happy Birth day Josh!! I'm not doing anything for Halloween but I don't really care cause my mom bought some candy so I'll get some! Today I went shopping I got some stuff for my fishys cause they needed some things and my mom bought Monk session 6!!YAY!! *Happy dance* Oh and I got somethings for my shoe box. I know what your thinking you thinking WHAT?!?! So let me explain my church does Operation Christmas Child. See you get a shoe box and fill it up with things like toys, school supplies, just fun stuff. Then you bring it back to your church or the drop off place. Then the boxes get inspected to make sure everything is okay and it won't offend anyone that might get the box. Then they send them out to kids who are really poor and who probably won't get anything for Christmas. So hopefully now you understand by "Oh and I got somethings for my shoe box". Well I'm going to go so ttyl bye

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Birthday!!

Hi everyone,
Today is my birthday! Thanks everyone who wished me a happy birthday!!=) Sense I went out to eat with my boyfriend for my birthday supper, I didn't go out to eat to night but my mom did make tacos at my request. Thanks Mom! After supper I opened my gifts which were a necklace and earrings that have an S (Thanks Becky!) a movie called the Note (Thanks Mom and Dad!) a watch (YAY I can finally tell you what time it is Thanks again Mom and Dad) and a gift card to Walmart (Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!). Oh and My boyfriend sent me a sent me a cute happy birthday ecard. Thanks Josh! Well I'm going to go so ttyl bye

Saturday, October 24, 2009


HI All,
I went to the Mall of America to see my boyfriend Josh!!! We walked around the mall and of course got lost. Go us! LOL. Then after a while we met up with my parents and his aunt Martha (who btw is awesome!) and went out to eat at Ruby Tuesday. It was my birthday go out to eat supper. It was really good, but sadly I couldn't finish it all!=( After that we all walked around the mall. Becky got a build a bear. I believe that's like the whole date right there. hhmmm.....yeah that's it. Well I'll ttyl bye everyone

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Hi all,
So I woke up today and saw snow on the ground!! Yeah that's right snow!! Just enough to cover the whole ground but still snow!! The thing is it's only October come on I want fall I"m not ready for snow!! Oh well....Hey at least it's melting as I'm typing this. =P Well I have to go so ttyl bye

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hi all,
So this is the second week of school. So see in my homepage that has all my classes. Well geometry and geography showed up twice. So I ignored it and did my homework. Well yesterday those classes only showed up once so I though they must have fixed it, well I go into those classes and guess what?! My homework was all gone =(!! So then I had to call my imentor and other people and they said they'd find my homework for me. So today I told my teachers well more like my geometry teacher cause my geography teacher hasn't contacted me in any way what so ever. Anywho she got my homework back and put it in for me!! YAY!! =) So then today I have folklore, myths and legends class to go to and english. My teacher calls me to ask me to go to elluminate cause it's not working for her but she gave us another link and wanted to make sure it worked. Well I was able to get in but I didn't see her. So then I had to send an email saying I couldn't see her. So yeah as you can see online school might be really nice and all but it does have it's problems. Well I got to go to english class so ttyl bye

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School!

Hi everyone,
Today is the first day of school for me. I'm kinda excited for school to start but I also don't want school to start. I was trying to start school about an hour ago but my home page isn't working, so I can't do school yet *sigh* oh well. Oh and for those of you who don't get why I can't do school cause my home page isn't work. I do online school called Insight School of Minnesota. I really like it! =) But the only probably that comes up is that sometimes then ebooks or elluminate or the home page doesn't work so then I just have to sit and wait for it to start working. XP Well I'm going to go so ttyl bye.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

State Fair!!

Hi All,
So you probably have seen the pics like the thingy saying that I went up the lookout tower and my sis's orange hair. So now I'll finally tell you about the state fair! So we went to the state fair yesterday, so much fun! We got there a little early cause we we're going to meet up with my boyfriend Josh. Anyway so we just wondered around and then went to Taco King where we saw his aunt Martha and she was really nice and gave us some tacos!! Thanks Martha!! Then since he wasn't there so we just kinda stayed by Taco King so we could see when he got there. Oh and we went to the coliseum and watched some dog show thingies. He came a little late because of traffic. After that we just walked around for a long time. My sis got her hair painted orange but it was going to take a long time. So me and Josh went to go see the animals which he thought he knew the way well he didn't so we got lost but we went to the coliseum and saw some horse shows. Then we got lost trying to get back to my parents and my sis. After that we had to leave. Oh and Josh gave me a puppy stuff animal that he won at the game/rides place. Oh yeah hee hee Josh made me go on the ferris wheel and well my sis was kinda making it go back and forth which I didn't really like and he kinda picked on me about that. Meanie head!! Just kidding. I went on the bumper cars and Josh and me mostly went for getting each other it was a blast!! Well I think I covered everything, so ttyl bye

Some more pics of my sis!!
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Okay for you all who know me really well. You know that I'm afraid of heights well, look below. =P

So Becky got her hair sprayed orange! So here are her pics

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Please pray for my friend!!

Hi everyone,
Yesterday I got word that my friends grandma is in the hospital sick and she wanted me to pray for her and to get my friends to pray for her. Well today I got news from my friend saying that her grandma doesn't have much time left and to please pray for her!! So all that I'm asking is that you please pray for her!! Right now it's a really hard time for her! I know cause I've lost my aunt Susan. =( So pleas pray for her!! Thanks! Talk to you later, bye.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Oh No Whooping Cough is going around!!!=(

Hi all
Sorry I haven't been on for what seems like forever. Tonight I have my piano recital!! I'm really excited for that, I'll be play The Entertainer only the first part because that's all I know. =) My sis went to the doctors today because she's been coughing a lot and some friends my family knows have/had whooping cough, so my parents brought her to the doctors and it looks like she might have it!!=( I'm really glad right now that I had that shoot last October because that's probably the reason I haven't gotten it yet!! And I hope I won't catch it!!! Well that's it for today well maybe we'll see anywho. bye ttyl
For you who don't know what whooping cough is click this link to find out.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm back from the doc

Hi everyone,
This is me after I got my wisdom teeth taken out. I went to the doctor's today at
8am and they gave me laughing gas which made my fingers and toes numb and then they put a IV in me so after that I was out. I woke up in a different room the nurse and my mom were there and the nurse took the IV out of me. Then I got to go home and I slept for a long time. When I woke up I had some apple sauce and some yogurt and I watched the rest of my family eat really yummy food that I can't have!! I watched a lot of TV and now I finally got my computer so that's why I'm writing this cause I'm pretty darn bored!!! well I have to go take my medicine so ttyl bye
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Monday, August 3, 2009

Hi all I'm going to be out of it for a bit just to let ya know

Hi everyone,
last Saturday I went on a date with Josh at Mall of America!=) I had lots of fun as usual. =) And for those of you who wanted a pic of me and Josh together here ya go^^. Tomorrow I get my wisdom teeth taken out so I probably won't be on that much cause I'll be to busy sleeping. I'm hoping though that it won't take to long for me to recover from that but we'll see how it goes. Hey sorry all but I got to go so ttyl bye

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm back from my date with Josh!!=)

'Hi all,
I'm back from my date with Josh, which was at Como Zoo!! I had a blast!! Today would have been prefect if we(my church) didn't get the bad news that my youth pastor is quitting...=( oh well he's got to do what he thinks God wants him to do. But I had a really wonderful time with Josh! I'm glad I got to spend a lot of time with him! =) He's a really sweet, nice, kind, caring, wonderful, I'd better stop myself now otherwise this list could go on and on forever, anywho he's a really (that huge list) guy! oh and I got some other bad news my friend Vi who I went to prom with might not be going to insight this coming fall =( I"ll miss her but hey at least I can still email her and chat with her. oh can't always have what you want....well I'm going to go now so ttyl buhbye

Friday, July 17, 2009


Hi all,
Well this morning I woke up at 7:30am to help my mom cause Goldie had an appointment with the vet, So I had to handle her. She behaved very well. Okay before we left I told my mom about this lump that was under my arm she said as soon as we'd get home she's call a nurse line to see if I should go to the doctor and if we should be worried about it. When she called the nurse asked my mom to ask me a lot of questions and I answered them and we found out that I shouldn't need to go to the doctor and/or worry, so I was pretty glad about that. other then that my day has been so-so. I can't wait till Sunday cause I really want to see Josh really badly it's been like 2 months or more idk all I know is that I want to see him and talk to him and yeah.....well that's all for now so ttyl buhbye =)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Hi all
Today I made Tapioca Salad. It is so yummy!! even if you don't like tapioca it's still awesome! ppl that don't like tapioca still love it so it's that yummy!! I can't wait till I can eat it lol. Oh hey did I tell you that I might go on a date with Josh on Sunday? Well now ya know. =) I'm pretty excited about that. I just hope he can come unlike last time....anywho that's all for now ttyl buhbye =)

Monday, July 13, 2009


Hi everyone
here is just a silly video that I made, so I hope you enjoy it bye ttyl.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hi all,
Okay so yesterday was my sis's birthday, so she had a party at that a sleep over party...I'm supper supper tired today and I haven't even gone to church yet! I know I'm going to crash as soon as I get home from church cause I didn't sleep well the night before why idk and then last night I went to bed at 12:25 but I kept waking up so I'm really really tired! and I'm getting sidetracked here cause I was just going to tell you all that here is a video of all the pics I took yesterday and some today so yeah hope ya like it bye bye
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh srry I fell asleep there for a sec.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

~The Truth~

Hi everyone,
I was just looking at some of the videos that my youth group has on there website and this was one of their videos. I found this video to be really cool and awesome, so I hope you enjoy it too.

Mission Trip to Mexico Videos =)

Hi everyone,
The first video is all the pictures I took while on my mission trip to Mexico. The Second video is the mission trip to Mexico too but it's the one that my youth group teacher made. I hope to go again on the mission trip to Mexico this coming year but we'll see what happens.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Youth group Video

Hi everyone,
This is a video that my youth group made.

Yeah I know I totally messed up the last line, but in my defense it wasn't my fault that when I yelled no one shut up!!

Hi everyone,
This is a video that my youth group made oh and I messed up my line a lot of times so yeah.....I love my youth group it's awesome!! Well anywho if you want to see what my youth group has or if ya just want to look at some of the pics they have just click this website-

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Collages Video let's hope it works =)

Hi everyone I'm trying to see how you load videos on here, so this is me trying to make and movie and me trying to get it to work so yeah...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hi everyone,Here is a picture of me and a friend at one of our friends house last Halloween. I'm the one with the "LOL" sticker...yeah yeah yeah....I know I'm really short. But hey being short has it's ups like I can hide a lot easier and I can fit in more places but it also has it's down cause then a lot of people think your really young and then they treat you like a baby but I'm fine with being short.

This is some pictures of my sisters last quiz meet with her team. Which I think they did an awesome job. Go Joy Jumpers or was it Faith Jumpers....idk I know I'll just say Go Living Rock!! That's the name of my church which I love my church!
Okay these are some pictures of prom, which it was AWESOME!! I can't wait till next year's prom.Well I really should be going cause it's getting late so yeah....ttyl
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Me and Goldie at the park =)

Hi All I went to the park a while ago and here are some of the pictures I took. If your wondering why my dog is on the stairs of the slide it's because I tought her how to slide down a slide but that's kind of hard to take a picture of so I got her to sit on the steps so I could take some pictures of her. Oh by the way this park is like really nice but kinda small and no one really goes to it.....I wonder why that is....hhmm........oh well =)

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Monday, June 22, 2009

My mission trip to Mexico!!

In April of 08 I went on a mission trip to Mexico!! I was so excited because I’m adopted and that is were I was born but I was also a little bit scared because I have heard all the stories about how hard it was to get me legally over here in the USA. Also I want to see what kind of culture I would have grown up in. So this was very important to me plus I can talk some Spanish so it was kind of fun using my Spanish. It was so nice in Mexico. On Thursday we (The team from my church) started on the 28 hour drive. We drove all night into Friday. On Friday we found out our trailer had problems so we tried to get it fixed but it was 7 O'clock pm so all the shops were closing so we had to wait till morning. So we got to sleep in a motel which was very nice instead of sleeping in the big van. Saturday we got to the mission house pretty late. So we had supper and then got ready to go to bed, but before we went to bed we learned that we had to go to church at 5:00am! Because it was a sunrise service for Easter. We got to eat breakfast after church. For lunch we had a feast of fish, stuffed peppers, and lots of wonderful food. We (the girls) started bagging beans for Thursday (I'll tell you about Thursday later). Monday we (the girls) made breakfast for everyone , (who hadn't eaten already), then we got ready for VBS, me and a friend went to pick-up the kids from a Colonia in a bus that could hold about 60 people it was very squished, but a kind of good squish. Tuesday again we made breakfast for everyone and had VBS. That night we made brownies, we were having problems lighting the stove. Sam blew at the pilot the fire came at us (Sam, Miriam, and me) we made so much noise that we scared Natalie. Wednesday Natalie, Sam, Miriam, and I made breakfast and lunch and bagged rice into 3lb bags, and flour into 3lb bags. On Thursday we went to the Colonia to give the food (the beans, rice, flour, and the feed my starving children food) to the people who live there. We talked to the people and asked how we could pray for them, after that we ate lunch and went to the market. Which I had a lot of fun at. After that we went to a restaurant which the boys had a hot pepper eating contest. All the boys started to cry and say that they were not crying. When we got back to the dorms we start to pack are stuff because tomorrow we are leaving. Friday We all said good bye to everyone and start back on the 28 hour drive back home. When we made it back home and I was so happy to see my family and friends. I couldn’t wait to tell them about my misstion trip. =)
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These are pictures of my dog Goldie. She is a good dog most of the time when she isn't getting in to trouble. Today I'm just really bored and I want to talk to Josh but he's not on so I'm just doing this lol so yeah...

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