Friday, December 31, 2010


Like that says^^ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope y'all have an amazing new year!! My God bless and keep you!!! Don't forget to live each day like it's your last day!! =D I mean after all why have regrets when you can have wonderful memories? May the odds forever be in your favor this year and years to come!!

Friday, December 24, 2010


^^ Like that says MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR TOO!!!!!!!! FELIZ NAVIDAD Y FELIZ AÑO NUEVO!! I Hope y'all have a great Christmas!!!

"And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord." Luke 2:8-11


Okay I had to add this one because of the cute monkey.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Operation Christmas Child

Hi y'all
I saw this video on this Operation Christmas Child. Here's the link to the place I found it.
Enjoy the video ttyl! Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

You might be a Minnesotan if...

Hey everyone,
So do you remember the "You might live in Minnesota " post I had?? Well if not here's the link.
Well this week I've got a couple to add to that list.

If you have to shovel the road because the snow plow shoves all the snow in and where your drive meets the road so you can get out of your drive way, You might live in Minnesota.

If you have to shovel a snow bank, so you can see when you back out of a drive way, You might live in Minnesota.

Now if you understand these jokes than a) you're either a Minnesotan or b) live/lived i Minnesota. I hope you enjoyed these jokes! Merry Christmas! (Yes I still say Merry Christmas even though that's not politically correct, but it seems just stupid to stop saying it because it has Christ in it. Also I understand that other religions don't celebrate Christmas, but they can surely respect me enough for me to say it, just like I respect them.)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hey everyone!!
I just finished all my college classes!! AND I SHOULD GET ALL A's and B's!!! YAY!! I also finished a day early! Here is my only and last paper for Old Testament Archaeology! I'm going to go relax now that I can. ttyl!!

Monday, December 13, 2010


So today I was talking to Andrea and you know what?! Soon I'll be graduating!! O.O I seems like just yesterday I was a freshman starting Insight Schools of Minnesota;meeting new friends, and learning new technology.  It's just hard to believe that my friends Britt, Chelsea, and Wyatt (We're friends but we're not best buds like he said we would be on my freshman year.) are all graduating this school year!! O.O Then to think that next school year (2012) my friends like Tanner, Vi, and so many more and i will be graduating. O.O that just seems like really weird to me!! Anyway I should be writing an Old Testament Archaeology paper so I'll ttyl!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tribute Speech to my birth mom

Hey everyone!!
Today I delivered my last speech!! Here it is!! Enjoy it!! Ttyl!

Tribute Speech!

Here's my actually speech. =D

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Hey everyone!!
Guess what?!?! I got an A in my P.E., and an A in my College Algebra!! And tomorrow I will deliver my LAST speech!!! YAY!! Then I just have to write 2 essays for speech class and I'll be done!!YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though sadly after that I'll be doing Old Testament Archaeology which I have one HUGE exam and a HUGE essay. Once I've finished with those I've got to catch up in Marine Science, though thankfully that is an insight course so my semester doesn't end as soon!! =D Well I'm going to go I want to eat and stuff. ttyl!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Persuasive Speech

Hey everyone!
Here is my persuasive speech! Enjoy it! Thanks everyone who watched me! Poor Kayla she's listened to all of my speeches. =)

From Videos

Just like my info speech. You have to click the photo to watch the video. =/

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hey everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving!!! I know I'm thankful for a lot!! I'm very thankful for my family, friends, just pretty much everything! I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!! What are you thankful for the most??? Well I'm going to go!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Japanese IQ Test

Hey everyone!
So this was something I got, and I thought I'd share it! Have fun with this brain teaser! (It took me a while to figure it out but I did it!) Enjoy it!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Poll: Should We Give Birth or Have an Abortion?

Hey Everyone,
So I saw this on the news, it's a poll as you can tell from the link. I thought I'd share it with you guys! As you guys probably know that I'm against abortion completely!! So I voted for her to give birth. You guys can go vote. Also here's the link form the news-
Poll: Should We Give Birth or Have an Abortion?
I'll talk you y'all later! Bye everyone!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Hey everyone!
So I've been meaning to post these links and stuff and now because my brain hurts from waaaaaaaay too much math I'm actually doing it! =) Anywho Wycliffe is a christian organization that works at translating the bible into as many languages as possible. Well I was reading something they sent to my family. I found some amazing links and I wanted to share them with you! So this first one is a link to someone blog who works for them, she talks about her time in Papua New Guinea.

These next ones are for their actually sites: this is to their blog-
This is to there Facebook page This is to their Flickr (photos) This is to their twitter- And finally their youtube-
I hope you enjoy these very cool links! Tttyl!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Hey Guys!
So my dad showed these to me last night, which made me laugh. =D I hope you guys aren't doing your math this way! And if you do that might explain why you guys hate math! lol =) Enjoy!

Veterans Day/Red Shoes for Rwanda

Hey everyone!
To day is Veterans day! Thank you all who have served! I'm not sure if I've put this video on before, but if I have oh well. It's a good video!


Now I found this cool blog via World Vision! It's called Red Shows for Rwanda. So this lady decided she's going to red shoes the WHOLE year of 2010!! Check it out!! The link will also be with all the other links! Well I've got to go! Talk to y'all later!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Book club!!

Hey everyone,
Ya'll know how I'm in book club and how I love the hunger games and was kinda obsessed about them. hee hee I couldn't help it they're AWESOME!! Anyway for book club our Awesome Leader/Sponsor/Adviser (I'm not sure what the right title is, but you get the idea) took these pics for book club and I just had to share them with y'all!! Enjoy! Thanks Andrea for letting me put the pictures up on my blog!

Book club is totally AWESOME!!! Right on Ali right on! lol =D
Totally not fair!! I'm jealous you got to meet her!! Oh well at least I get to see pics!! =D

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Information speech

Hey everyone,
So last night I did my Information speech even though my finger hurts. I hurt my finger on Thursday, my mom and I were walking the dogs (my puppy and my friends puppy) when she lost control of the dogs. So I went to help her and I grabbed the leashes which in turn hurt man middle finger. It was bent like I was holding something, which I wasn't. But it still hurts but I can move it at least a bit so tomorrow I'm going to the doc probably. =/ speech and everything is down below. Enjoy it!
I know my voice is really soft, but hey I'm working on it. =)
Oh and Thanks everyone who listened to me!!! You guys are AWESOME!!!

From Videos

You have to click the link to watch the video. =(

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Hey All,
So my sis is singing this song for school and you know how I'm courious, so I looked up what Abiyoyo was. It turns out to be an South African folktale. It's quite interesting, so I thought I'd share it with you. So here's the song and then the lyrics to it. Enjoy it!!

Anyone remember Reading Rainbow?? I know I sure do!! *goes down memory lane....* oh back yeah anyway that was a cool show!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm pretty much done with P.E.!!!!!!!! XD

Hey everyone,
As you guys know I'm not feeling that great so I have been falling behind in my classes. BUT I've finished almost all of my P.E. class except for the 2 weeks of exercising, because I'm still coughing a lot and I can't really take deep breaths yet. =/ But once I finish that I'll be done with it!! Plus I have an A in that class!! YAY!!! *happy dance* Super happy about that. Well now sadly I've got to try to catch up in my other classes!! I'll talk to y'all later!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sick! =/

Hey everyone,
So most of you guys know that I wasn't feeling good last week. I'm still not feeling that great so I went to the doctor today and the doc told me I have Bronchitis and 2 ear infections!! It feels so good to know why I've been feeling icky!! I didn't like thinking that it was just a really bad cold with allergies mixed in. Well that's about all I have to say so I'll talk to y'all later!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Hi y'all
So this afternoon I was raking and this is the out come-

So after I raked up all those leaves and this is what happened-

See I didn't do it this time!!! XP
I hope you enjoyed this silly post!! TTYL!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

I have an html question

Hey everyone,
So you see I've been trying to get this picture be my background on this blog. But I have one problem you see it fits width just not length wise, I've tried editing the picture myself but I have had no luck at getting it to be the right length. If any of you way smarter HTML people know how I can do this, please tell me how!! I'd really appreciate it!! Thanks!! Talk to y'all later!!

The picture really isn't that small. Here's the link to the actually pic-link

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

School/Marine Science class

Hey everyone!
So far school has been really hectic because I'm doing pseo and one class at insight which I got behind on because of 2 days it was thunderstorming and since I'm taking my classes online I couldn't use my computer. (See we've had a computer get zapped during a thunderstorm so we now unplug them each time there's a thunderstorm.) So I got behind, but thankfully I'm now all caught up in my Marine Science class which feels like an honors class when it's not. Anywho I wanted to share this cool assignment I had fun doing. I'll ttyl!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

This is how I spent my last week of summer =(

Hey everyone,
So remember how like what seems like a long time ago I told you that my last couple of weeks of summer were going to be busy. Well here's how one of those weeks went. It took me 5 WHOLE DAYS TO DO THIS!! By the way I did NOT pick out the song!! Well enjoy the video!! ttfn!!

I like this song!!

Hey everyone,
I thought I'd share a Taylor Swift song that I love!!! The song is Mine; it's such a sweet love story! Enjoy the video!! ttfn!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Self-Introduction Speech!!

Hey everyone,
This is my first speech!! Feel free to give me feedback!! Thanks!! ttfn!!
Kellie has already told me I need to speak up, so any other feedback would be amazing!! Thanks!! oh and Thanks Kellie for recording my speech!! Thanks everyone who listened to me!! You guys are awesome!!!

Also if you want to read my speech here you go!


Hey everyone,
So I was uploading my speech to It's a tangle video, pretty much it's a Christian youtube. Anyway I saw this very sad video that I'm sharing with y'all. She had an amazing husband!! You can tell he loved her very much!! =( I hope one day all my friends and I will have amazing husbands that would do something like that for us. Anyway I'm going to go now! Talk to y'all later!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Math/Devotionals ramble

Hi again,
So I was listening to You never let go by Matt Redman while doing Math. (Yes I know probably not the best studying skills but hey I can do it that way. =P) Which that song always make me think of my Mission trip to Mexico. =D Which I'd love to go back again if I ever get the chance too!! Well and if it's safe lately it's not very safe, there's like one place (when I last looked with my dad) that wasn't where gags fights are going on, but that one place is surrounded by all the other gangs. =( I loved going to Mexico!! It was super beautiful!! Plus everything was pretty much my height!! Oh for those of you who don't know I'm from Mexico, so it's kinda like my second home country if you understand what I mean. I mean the U.S.A. is my home and I'm a U.S.A. citizen but Mexico is where I was born and so it's like my second home country. I hope that made since..=/
Anyway I totally got of topic. Sorry!! But this is me and I ramble and I'm random! So get used to it!! lol =D Anyway in math classes I'm suppose to always start out with devotionals from The Global Prayer Digest. It's really cool!! Like today's people that I prayed for were the Lakshadweep people in Sri Lanka and what you should pray for them. It's supper cool and I recommend that you visit it once a day!! Okay well I guess I really should go do speech. =/ I'll talk to y'all later!!

You Never Let Go (Premiere Performance Plus Track)

by Matt Redman

State Fair

Hey everyone,
So on Labor Day I went to the State fair and I saw Josh!! XD Guess what?! We didn't actually get lost on this date!! I know what you're thinking, either huh? or who cares! Well you see Josh and I always get lost on ever date we've had...well at least pretty much. Anyway I'm never letting Josh over feed me again!! Josh got me some cookies and (because he was holding them) kept offering me another cookie after another. After that I totally wasn't feeling good after that!! Thanks Josh!! Okay so it was partly my fault but it was also his too. We walked around the state fair saw some horses, horse shows, and saw how vets spay dogs (it's not as gross as you're thinking right now). We had a lot of fun, well except for me not feeling good after all those cookies. Well that pretty much sums up the date, plus I really should start on college. =) So I'll talk to y'all later!!
Josh didn't act really surprise that I had purple hair. In fact he kept playing with it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Question for you!!!

Hey everyone,
So I've got a question for y'all. Does anyone know of any good Spanish Christian music?? I really want to find some good spansih Christian music to listen too, but I don't know of any bands. =/ So if you do please tell me!! Thanks!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I've made it!!! XD

Hey everyone,
I made it through my first week of college!!! I think the 4 classes that I have will be just the right amount of work for me!! I love the math (yes I know you're thinking weirdo but I love math so get over it) and the history!! As for speech it's okay, I mean I'll get through it but it's not one of the classes I'm going to be like "I totally love it!!!" as for P.E. I'm only doing it so I can be done with it because I only need 1 more credit of it. I'm enjoying college and I'm super thankful that I don't have to drive there and back I mean that's a far drive!! Which I found out Wyatt (he's from book club) Lives like next to Northwestern College. Anyway so that about sums up my week. Oh and I forgot MockingJay was AMAZING,AWESOMEST BOOK EVER!!! If you haven't read the huger game series you should totally read them they're AWESOME!!! Well may the odds forever be in your favor!
~Sandy Cash

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer has ended! *sigh* ='(

Hey everyone,
Yes sadly summer has come to an end for me. =( Today was my first day of PSEO. I can happily say I made it!! It's a little hard because they use a different system that I'm not used to yet. But I got through today!! I'm taking Old Testament Archaeology, College Algebra, Lifetime Fitness and Wellness and Foundations of Communication. I know most of you are thinking yikes College Algebra, but no I'm not worried one bit about it in fact I'm excited for it! I know I'm totally a nerd, but I love math and there is nothing you can do to change that! =P The hardest looking class is Foundations of Communication, mostly because I'll be writing 4 speeches and actually reading my speeches in front of 12 people!! Most of you guys know I don't really mind talking in front of people it's the writing that's the hardest part for me. So if you could it would be nice if y'all prayed that I'll do fine in this class and that I'll get through it that would be awesome!!
I GOT MY BOOK!! As you guys know I've been dying for the last Hungry Game book to come out and I finally got it!! *happy dance* Well I'm off to read it so may the odds be in your favor!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Funny video

Hey everyone,
So I heard this video on the news this morning, and I had to share it so enjoy! talk to y'all later!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Purple hair?!?!

Hey everyone,
If you're wondering what's with the title of this post just look at these pics. fyi the pics aren't the best. I'll try later to get better pics up. Well may the odds be in your favor!
Tell me what y'all think about my purple hair. Thanks! XD

Friday, August 13, 2010


Hey everyone!!
So today was my last day of driver's ed!! But wait it gets better..............................................................

So now I've got to sign up for behind the wheel before I can get my permit!! =D *happy dance*
So I wrote this poem and it just seemed fitting for this post so enjoy it!!

By Sandra Cash

Sometimes you know where they'll take you.
Other times you have no idea.
Some seem to go on forever.
While others seem so very shot.
And yet some you drive down and before you know it it's a dead end.
Others seem like you're lost on it forever,
Just wishing sooner or later you'll find your way again.
Some take so many turns that you begin to wonder if it's the right one.

I guess you could say that life is like a road.
Sometimes you know which road to take
Others you get lost on.
Some seem to suddenly turn here and there.
Some come to an end too soon,
others seem to go on forever.

I hope you found the right road!

Also I figured it out that Josh and I have been together for a year and a half!! It doesn't seem like it's been that long!! I mean in some ways it's seems like I've known him forever, but on the other hand it seems like I haven't known him that long! haha I hope I didn't confuse you! Well I have to say it's been a wonderful year and a half!! Thanks Josh!! =D Okay so before I ramble on any more I'll let you go! May the odds be in your favor!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Super good song!!

Hey everyone,
Here's a really cute song!! It's a great love song it has to be if I like it. ;-) Anyway you guys should totally watch this!! I'll talk to y'all later! Bye!

Friday, August 6, 2010

I'm a Star Trek geek and proud of it! XP

Hey everyone,
So I read this really cool article which I couldn't believe the first Star Trek is that old!!! O.o I mean I knew it was old but it didn't seem that old!!! I mean I remember watching some episodes from the first Star Trek when I was a little kid!!! And I'm totally not that old!! I mean sure I'll be a Jr. this year in high school, but I'm not that old! Thank you very much!! Anyway I just wanted to share the article, you should totally read it!! It's totally cool!! And yes I'm a Star Trek geek and I'm proud of it!! Bye

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wow, O.o

Hey everyone,
I stumbled across this wow shocking video. I wonder what I would have done in her shoes. Well watch the video if you want to know what I'm talking about. So here's the link.
Bye, talk to y'all later!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Catching you guys up =)

Hey Everyone,
I'm gonna check you guys up, because I haven't kept you guys up to date. Sorry! =( Anyway July 9th-11th I was in South Dakota! I went on a mission trip to Sound Dakota to help a Native American Reservation. My church had a team to go on this mission trip and I got to be one of the people who went. While on this mission trip we went to the Bad Lands and they're just AMAZING!! If you go to South Dakota you should totally go there!! While on the mission trip I was again showed that I should be thankful for every day stuff. These people have had their culture beaten out of them, so now they're trying to get it back and don't understand that you can be a Christian and still be Native American. It is very sad! So please pray for them that they will know you can be a Christian and still be Native American. Also here's a link for the place I went to. Click here.

While I was talking to my boyfriend last night I just realized (okay maybe not just realized but idk maybe it just suddenly sunk in) that I'll be a Jr. this year in high school!! Meaning I've got this year of high school and then I'll have 1 year left!! O.o I can't believe it!! It seems like I haven't been in high school that long!! It seems like just yesterday I was starting Insight School of Minnesota!! Where has the time gone??? Not to mention I'll be doing PSEO this year..meaning college work where I get both high school and college credit for it. I can't believe that I'll be a Jr. this year let alone that I'll have 1 year left after this year. Do you know what's even scarier? Summer is almost over!! =( We've only got like one more month left!!

Okay I'm done rambling on and on. Bye

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Poems by my boyfriend. =D

Hey everyone,
So my boyfriend (Joshua Lee Johnson) and I have this "argument" a lot I say I can't write like poems what so ever and he doesn't think that, and visa-versa. Anyway I got his permission to put up some of the poems he's written. I hope you enjoy them! May the odds be in your favor!

(By the way he wrote this first poem when he was mad. Also he doesn't really give his poems titles I gave them titles. Oh and please feel free to make comments about his poems!)

Teenager's Life
By Josh Johnson

too much hurt, so much pain
it's enough to make me insane.
Sometimes i wonder if it's worth it
or if anyone cares a bit.
Sometimes late at night
I have with myself a fight
whether I should let the tears run free
or if I should be the "strong" me
it's getting harder to live my life
I need love's help to get me through this strife.

To you my love
by Josh Johnson

To you my love I give you everything, my life to keep you safe, my soul for without you I am nothing, my heart to show you all my love for you, and my body so you have someone to hold. I once said that I wanted you to be my wife one day I say to you now that it is still very true.

To you I give my life as to keep you safe
I would stand between you and a knife
that way you stay that safe
I would stand in your place
if you were ever at blame
I would look at your face
and I would gladly take the shame
I love you so much my love I don't know what I would do without you. One day I will be able to make you mine but until then all I can give you is this poem and the promise of my ever lasting love.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Hey everyone,
So here's some poems I wrote. The "Three little words" I wrote for a friend. Well I hope you enjoy the poems.

Three little words

These three little words
can change your life forever
Even if they are not true, they can still change you

When you find someone special,
that means so much to you,
that's when we say these three little words.

We use them to let that special someone
know that we care about them,
and that they mean the world to you.

Sometimes we don't seem to say these
three little words enough.
And then we regret it.

Some times we just say it,
but we kinda forget what it really means.

So when you say these three little words,
actually mean them, and tell your
special someone it when you mean it.

Who knows that special someone might really
need to hear it.
But be careful with these three little words.

Do you have

Do you have that someone
that you can always trust that they'll never leave you.

That you can run to when you need help.
Because you know they'll help no matter what.

That you can tell all your problems to.
And they'll make it all better.

Or on those horrible days you just want to die.
That someone reminds you about the good things in life.

Or when you've had a bad day and you need
to laugh, and that someone knows that and
makes you laugh.

I hope everyone has that someone in their life,
because I have that someone in my life.
And that someone doesn't know how much them mean to me
or how they have changed my life.
I don't know how I'd live without that someone.

So thank you so much someone!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Look what's new on here!!

Hey everyone,
So I put up some new pages. The pages have like poems, stories, videos, and slide shows that I've put up.
These pages are to the left of this post. I'm hoping these pages help people find a video or w/e they're look for easier then trying to remember what post it was on. I hope you like the new pages!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Raise the Roof!!

Hey everyone,
My church is putting on Raise the Roof, and I totally want to invite everyone to come! Here's all the details about it. You guys should totally come!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Living Rock Church
17125 County Road 31
Norwood Young America, MN

Raise the Roof

Come to an evening of music and fun at the Living Rock Church farm for a fundraiser to help LRC raise money to build a permanent home! There will be lots of music throughout the evening, minute-to-win-it style games, caricatures, face-painting, basketball tournaments, open volleyball court, food, contests, and more!

Admission is $4
Bring extra money for tournaments, games, and T-shirts!

Featured musicians:

~ Brianna Neraasen
~ Steve Anderson
~ Oh Me! Oh My!
~ Machaela's Conscience
~ Jazz Fusion
~ Eli the Ice Man

Bring all of your friends, a couple bucks, a smile, and join us for a great time! See you there!

~ Music
~ Food
~ Drama
~ Games
~ Prizes

Graduation video!

Hey everyone,
So here's the graduation video that was played at graduation. I had no idea Ms.Berg added in the prom pics of Josh and me! Well enjoy the video. May the odds be in your favor!
Oh and Congrats to the graduates and the best of luck in whatever you guys do!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'm back!

Hey everyone,
I just got back from Texas!! YAY!! It's good to be home. Don't get me wrong I loved seeing my family but I didn't like the hot weather!! I made a video from the pics so enjoy the video!!

Friday, June 11, 2010


Hey everyone,
Yesterday was my last day of school!!! I already finished all my homework for school if you remember about last week, but see now I don't have to log in or anything for school!!! I'm so happy that school is over!! I don't really have anything planned for summer, but I'm just at that point where I don't want to ever think about homework or classes again! I just want to go swimming, catch up on my books, hang out with my friends, maybe go on a mission trip, and absolutely do nothing!! Oh and I'll keep nannying, but the lil guys i watch aren't that hard to watch. Besides I love playin and hangin out with them!
It's hard for me to believe but some of my friends are graduating this year!!! Here's a list of all my friends who's graduating or did this year, Aleta Fisk, Kayla Mitchell, Meg Miho graduated Miriam Unseth graduated, and my boyfriends sister Tonie Johnson(which she is my friend) is graduating!!

Here's a pic of Miriam. She's the one with long brown hair. Congrats Miriam! Have fun at college!
This is my friend Kayla! Congrats Kayla!! Have fun at college!

This is my friend Aleta! Congrats Aleta! Have fun at Crown College!!

This is my friend Meg, her baby and her to be husband. Congrats Meg!! She's going to go for a teacher degree! Have fun with that!

Tonie is the by Josh. Congrats Tonie for graduating!!
Well I'm going to go! Once again Congrats to everyone who's graduating this year!! May the odds be in your favor!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hunger Games =(

Hey everyone,
So today for book club I got an email with questions like what was you're favorite book this year, what was your favorite character, etc... In any case I've been dying for book 3 to finally come out as you can tell, since I have a count down going. BUT then I realized there is also a movie that's suppose to come out. So I asked Andrea because she's awesomely amazing at finding things out for me to tell me when it's suppose to come out. Guess what.....I have to wait a whole stinkin' year!! It's not suppose to come out until 2011. =( Here's the trailer for the movie. Well may the odds always be in your favor!

Hunger Games -HG3-

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Great writing quotes!!

Hey everyone,
So I've been writing poems lately don't ask me why because I really have no idea why I'm actually writing poems. In any case I read a few to Josh he seems to think they're good I don't think they're that good. (The Outcasts is one of those poems.) In any case I got talking to my AWESOME AMAZING English teacher, about them and she reminded me even though I don't really like them I can always keep revising them. After all poets revise their poems like 20-50 times so keep at them. Then she gave me a quote that I just had to share!

I have spent most of the day putting in a comma and the rest of the day taking it out. — Oscar Wilde

Then I looked up some more writing quotes and here are the ones I just had to share with you!
And what does a comma do, a comma does nothing but make easy a thing that if you like it enough is easy enough without the comma. A long complicated sentence should force itself upon you, make you know yourself knowing it and the comma, well at the most a comma is a poor period that lets you stop and take a breath but if you want to take a breath you ought to know yourself that you want to take a breath. It is not like stopping altogether has something to do with going on, but taking a breath well you are always taking a breath and why emphasize one breath rather than another breath. Anyway that is the way I felt about it and I felt that about it very very strongly. And so I almost never used a comma. The longer, the more complicated the sentence the greater the number of the same kinds of words I had following one after another, the more the very more I had of them the more I felt the passionate need of their taking care of themselves by themselves and not helping them, and thereby enfeebling them by putting in a comma.
-Gertrude Stein
from Lectures in America
Don't try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It's the one and only thing you have to offer.
-Barbara Kingsolver
Being a good writer is 3% talent, 97% not being distracted by the Internet.

So while your writing remember these quotes when you get stuck or when you're about to start writing. Well that's it. I'll talk to y'all later! bye!

I'm finished with school for the year!!

Hey everyone,
I just finish my last classes today!! I should have all A's once again this semester. I'm so glad to be done with school!!! I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to all my teachers!! You guys are awesome!! Well I'm going to go I'll talk to you later!! Bye!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Outcasts

The Outcasts
By Sandra Cash

We are people too,
And yet you treat us like we aren't.
Or that we aren't good enough to live.

We may not keep up with fashion,
or know a lot about a sport.
But we are people still.

You put us down and make us believe lies about ourselves.

Soon we start to fade and get sucked into
a hole, that we can't seem to get out of.
And we start to believe the lies about ourselves.

Our only hope that a true friend will come
And help us out of the hole, and to show us the truth.
That these lies we believed about us aren't true.

Once out of this hole, I hope we remember,
that if we see someone in the same hole
we were once in. That we will help them
just like our true friend did.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I had to share this!!

Jamie's BBQ burger recipe for Memorial Day

Dis is in the dictionary and a ranodm fact about it.

Hey everyone,
So a friend of mine was saying Dis is not in the dictionary and I was like I'm pretty sure it is. So me being me went at looked it up on the Merriam Webster dictionary online. And I found Dis (by the way if you use the link you have to go do to where it says 4 entries found. Then scroll down to noun and click that one to get to Dis. Or you can click the one that says transitive verb) in there, but get this it's been in the dictionary since 1986!! I couldn't believe it! Dis is that old!! Don't believe me here's a pic! Also don't mind all the taps I have up for school and such. =D Well I've got to go help a friend so I'll ttyl!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hey everyone,
I FINALLY FINISHED SPANISH!!! Here's my last assignment. I'll talk to y'all later bye!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Awesome Kelly =D

Hey everyone,
So I found this cool video my friend Awesome Kelly (that's her nickname. We gave each other nicknames last year when we got to know each other. =D) did. I thought I'd share it with you! By the way Kelly you've got a really nice voice! =D Okay so I put some more up, but she has a really nice voice! What can I say? And she's a super cool friend! Even if she does tease people a lot. In any case I've got to go because my lunch is ready!! =D

Okay this one isn't her singing but I like her music video and I had to share it with you! =D

Okay this one isn't her singing but I like her music video to the song. =D

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Prom video my school put up =D

Yeah I know you guys are probably really tired of prom, but I thought this would give you guys a waaaaaaay better idea of how prom was. So I hope you guys enjoy this video, just click on the link.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

YAY!! *Happy dance*

Hey everyone,
I just finished bio for the year once I get the may incentive!!!!!! *happy dance* =D So now I have English, Geography and Biology done for the year!! Meaning I've got half my classes done for the year!!! I'm hoping (key word being hoping) to finish Spanish 2 for the year tomorrow. Then I have Personal Economics and Finance, which I'm almost done with except that the last assignments you actually have do parts of the assignment in sections and you can only do one section per day. =( I'll finish Geometry the last week of May!!! So I'm almost done for the year!! I don't know about you but I'm dying for summer break!! Well I'm going to go, may the odds be in your favor!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

More Prom pics!!

Hey everyone,
So Ms. Berg was very nice and sent me more prom pics!! =D So here is a slide show of all the prom pics I have! I hope you enjoy it ;-). May the odds be in your favor!


Hey everyone,
So I was checking the news on yahoo before I start my iTutor session and I came across this super cool video. So go watch it. I've got to be going to my iTutor session so may the odds be in your favor

No more geography/insight school teacher.

Hey everyone,
So earlier today I finished geography class for the year!! *happy dance* And I have an A in the class for sure!! I stumbled across this online news paper about Ms.Berg!! You should check it out. Here's the link. I had Ms. Berg as a teacher last year and she's a lot of fun! Plus since I'm an iTutor I talk to her every Wednesday while we wait for people to come for either English or Math help. I'm hoping more of my peers will come in as the semester is ending, but we'll see. I've got to go get my lunch so, may the odds be in your favor.

Friday, May 14, 2010

I couldn't help myself!!

I couldn't help myself.

Winnie the pooh has
nothing on these guys.

Is it no wonder the
world has fallen in love
with these animals.

Mum? Can you come and get me down now?

I'm not coming out.
You'll have to come in and get me.

Kung Fu Panda...bring it on!

On the count of three.... lift!

Does this log make my butt look fat?

Betcha can't see me.....

Oops! Slight miscalculation.

You go. I'll just stay here and rest my head a little bit.

It wasn't me! I didn't steal this bamboo shoot!
It was just sitting here, I swear it!

I'll give you 2 seconds to get off me or I'm calling Mom.

Pardon me but do you have a napkin?

Darn paparazzi! Could we have a little privacy please?

Dear Martha Stewart:
I have this brown stain on my nice, white, fluffy butt...

Shhhh! I'm reviewing...

I cannot believe that I'm stuck in this tree again.
What is the matter with me?

I'm sure there's a way out somewhere.
I saw an ant go this way yesterday.

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...

Pandas looking for lost earrings.....

Absolutely nothing accomplished.
The perfect day for a panda...

I hope this made your day!
Now send this to someone
Who needs to smile!!

Update on Jamie Oliver Food Revolution

It will only take 5 mins at the most so will you help?

Hey everyone,
If you've been following my blog you've seen me talk about this. So here's the deal if you just found this blog. I want you to vote for this!! Their dream is to help kids who have a hard time learning to read and reading!! They need funding though to keep this up, so if they are the top 2 ideas that have the most votes for before May 31th they get the funding they need!! Which means you should vote for them!! It only takes at the most 5 mins. Why not? All you have to do is sign up for the site; they ask for name, birthday and email. Then once you've signed in you click on the vote button. It's that easy!! Also you can vote once everyday!! So what are you doing wasting your time, GO DO IT!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Abortion rant =/

Hey everyone,
I was looking on The Reblution and I saw this link Abort73 [Caution: Graphic] I was curious so I clicked on it. I found out that it was about abortion. In my opinion abortion is wrong unless it is because of something terrible happened to a girl like rape. Other then that I think it's horrible to kill innocent babies! I got looking and this website agrees with that. I started reading some of the statistics and it's just SOOOOOOO sad to think that we have let our government make it legal to kill innocent babies!! It's legal murder of babies! Even scientist agree that life begins as soon as fertilization occurs. There for abortion is legal murder of a baby. I'm sure you know how I feel about it by now. In any case I have decided to have a link that goes to Well I'm off to my super! May the odds be in your favor.
Open Your Eyes | Abortion Unfiltered

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Prom 2010 video!! =D

Hey everyone,
I got my prom pics up on my computer so I made a video. I hope you enjoy this video. May the odds be in your favor!

State Fair pics!!

Hi everyone,
Here's some pics from the state fair last summer. My computer is being stupid so I'm going to go. May the odds be in your favor!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

De-stressing/rant of this week

Hey everyone,
So this week has been super hectic for me! I had a funeral to go to on Thursday; a friend of the family's died on Sunday. =( Jan will be greatly missed by anyone who knew her, but in a sense she really is in a better place! I really liked what her grand daughter wrote for her. It was this poem called "Grandma's Dancing with Jesus."
Yesterday I had the MCA biology test. ICK! I know I didn't do well on it! See our teacher tried to prepare us for it but she didn't know what the test was going to be like, so she just prepared us on what she thought would be in the test. Well I studied all that the night before (yes I know that's kinda late to study but I'll explain that later) and when I took the test it wasn't on what I studied for. =/ Oh well as far as I know I only had to take the test, not pass it.
So Sunday since this was the day Jan died, my mom, dad and I went to Stan's house to give him a frozen dinner for this week. We sat around and talked for a bit. I was already behind in homework, I figured I'd make up for it after that, but I didn't. But it was a good thing for me to go and see Stan, I think it cheered him up a little bit.
As the rest of the week went on, it got super busy and yes I mean super busy! Between work, trying to catch up in homework, planning on going to a friend's house, a funeral to go to, and the MCA biology test. I didn't catch up, so this week has been stressful for me!
Today I'm hoping to finish some of my homework in Personal Economics and Finance, and geography. Tomorrow I'll do Spanish. In any case I wanted to share this song with you! I love this song! It's amazing!! Anyway I need to get of to homework so I'll let ya listen to the song. May the odds be in your favor,


by Scott Krippayne

Friday, April 30, 2010

This is my LAST English assignment!!

Hey everyone,
I have finally finished English for the YEAR!! Yup that's right the whole year!! In any case I thought I'd share my last assignment! I hope y'all enjoy it! May the odds be in your favor!!
By the way you should click the full button down below so you can read it.