Monday, December 19, 2011
Christmas Break!
Since last Wednesday I've been on winter break! =D I'm really enjoying it too, I'm hoping to do some baking (which I already have started on!), knitting, getting ready for Christmas, doing my crafts, relaxing, and hanging out with my family and friends!
Also my first semester at Crown went really well, I enjoyed all of my classes and I got A-'s in all of my classes!!! I finished my fall semester of being a senior in high school and my last semester of being a freshman in college!!! This coming semester should be a good one! I have almost all the same doctors and professors with the exception of one and that's will be for my bio class! =D I'm gonna be taking accounting 2, bio 2, Writing and Lit, World Civ, and New Testament Archeology! Well I hope y'all enjoy you're Christmas break! Merry Christmas!!
Friday, December 9, 2011
The one question I hate
Out of all the questions I've been asked there is only one question that I absolutely hate! That question is "Where are you from?" I hate this question because I have troubles answering this question. Why you ask? How could I have problems with answering such an easy question? Well I have problems because I have three places where I am from. Three homes, in which have made me who I am today. If we are talking about where I was born, well then I am from Mexico. I lived in Mexico for a few months, I don't know how long considering I was adopted as a baby. Once the adoption was finalized my parents brought me home in Minnesota, which I lived the first two years of my life here. Then I moved to Indiana, which I feel that my childhood was spent there. Then I moved back here, and have spent the rest of my time here up to the present. This being said, which one should I make the answer? All three are my home, all three have changed me, all three are where I am from. If I give the long explanation that I just gave sometimes I am pitied because I am adopted. As you know I do not like that pity since I have written about this on my adoption blog. Where on the other hand sometimes a quick answer is necessary, which then means I have to pick. To pick is such a hard thing for me, how do I pick between three wonderful places! This is why I hate this question.....I never have a really good answer unless I tell them the long explanation, which not everyone wants to hear. Well that's all I really have to say. Have a great weekend! Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Sorry I haven't kept up with this blog, but college has kept me very busy! Plus I had my appendix taken out, so that cut off about a week of my life just from being in the hospital to recovering. I've enjoyed all of my classes I've taken this semester, although I did have to drop pre-cal because I did not have the time I thought I would. =/ As of right now I am almost done with my semester! YAY!! This is why I actually have time to update this blog. I have finished all my assignments in almost all of my classes except for accounting. I have the comprehensive problem to finish. Next week is finals and I'll be happy once they are over, because I am ready for a break! I am tired of writing essays, and doing homework, I want to do fun stuff that I enjoy!!
Anywho enough about me. As some of you may know my boyfriend Josh, was trying to get into Job Corps to help him get an education and to help him go for his dream. He finally got in!!! He left for Job Corps on Tuesday morning. I miss him, but I know it's for the best. He's finally able to go for his dream, which is a good thing. He wants to go into culinary arts, which I think fits him very well. Maybe I can convince him to practice his new skills on my family.... ;) Also he found out from a practice GED test that he could pass the GED test!!! I'm so proud of him! :) I also learned this summer/fall he makes the BEST bacon ever!!!
Well I think that's about all that's happened from last time I posted on here. Hope you have a great Christmas break and Christmas!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Some critical history to NEVER forget
The author of this article lives in
South Dakota and is very active in attempting to maintain our freedom. I
encourage everybody to read this article and pass it along. I see so many
parallels in this country-are we going to sit by and watch it happen?? Spread
the word; also contact your congressional reps; vote them out if they don’t do
what they should. If you don’t want to be bothered, than you’re part of the
problem! Google Kitty Werthmann and you will see more articles and videos on
n and you will see articles and videos.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Henna and college life!
Sorry I haven't been able to keep up with this blog that well. I've been extremely busy with college, from doing homeworking, actually going to class, going to the study lab etc. Anyway, yesterday was Missions Fest at Crown (which is really AWESOME!!!!) and after the seminars they had Globe Trekking!!
I did Globe Trekking, first stop was Papua New Guinea. In Papua New Guinea we tried to translate John 3:16, and while we were trying to do that this guy comes in saying a villager tried to put a curse on him. Then after we prayed for the guy, the villager comes in having a fit that his curse did not work. The missionary than starts to talk to him explain why it did not work, which by this time we had to leave. Next stop was Thailand....Thailand, now that was a very interesting one. Thailand was to open our eyes to see how huge a problem prostitution is there. They also told us a testimony of a girl who was saved from prostitution by Rehab Ministries. It was quite sad, and just broke your heart to hear the testimony. From there we went to South America, where they talked about how families are trying to make money by working in the dumps collecting plastic. After South America we went to Morocco to the market, I "died" there from a terrorist attack. Lastly from there we went to a Hospital in Georgia, where there they do not have running water, electricity, and enough supplies for a hospital. It made you realize how great your life is, how much you have compared to the people there.
After Globe Trekking I got henna done on my hand/arm. Here's a picture of it.
Well that's really all I have to say. Nothing really new here other than all the homework I've been doing for my college classes. May the odds be in your favor!
Monday, October 17, 2011
We Miss You
Saturday, September 17, 2011
I'm sure you all remember 9/11 or at least know about it. I was going to put this on here on 9/11 but I've been really busy with all my college homework. I can not believe that 9/11 happened 10 years ago!! It doesn't seem like that much time has gone by.
I wrote this I guess you could call it a poem about it. I hope you enjoy it! Also thanks to everyone who serves so that we can keep our freedom!!
By Sandy Cash
One morning her dad calls home,
something he does not usually do.
Her mom tells her to turn on the TV,
another thing that is not usual.
She goes to turn on the TV,
it turns on.....
She sees a huge building on fire.
Why it is on fire she does not know.
Until suddenly she sees a plane,
fly right into the neighboring building.
She is sucked into that world
and watches those buildings;
They are on fire
and all of a sudden they are collapsing!
Suddenly she is brought back into her world,
by her sister asking mom if daddy can fix it.
Hearing her mom crying, while telling her no.
Her world was so innocent until she saw that.
She knew there were bad people,
but they were not that bad.
The room is filled with sadness
Why someone would do that is beyond her.
She is horrified for all the people in the building,
and for their families.
She wishes there was a way to fix it all,
but she knows there isn't.
She wishes there was a super hero to help,
knowing they are only in movies and TV.
She is confused why would people do that?
Her mom tried to explain why people can hate that much,
but it makes no sense.
We never did anything to them,
so why would they do that??
Her life was so simple,
she was naive about the world.
Yet she is trying to understand what even adults do not completely understand.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Huger Games!!!
I've been meaning to put this video up. Here is the first peek at The Huger Games!!! I can't wait until March 2012!!! I'm totally excited for it and I hope they don't ruin it because I LOVE THE BOOKS!!!! Anywho enjoy!!!
I hope you are having a good summer. Sorry I haven't post on here for a while. I've been meaning to, but then I get busy or I do something else. Over the last couple of months a log of changes have gone on some for the better and some not. Like some of my friends graduated this year and are off to college!! Great job ya guys!!! I'm so proud of y'all and I know y'all will do great in college!! Also I've found some of my old friend that I've missed a lot!! Plus this school year is my senior year, which it doesn't seem like I've been in high school that long. I'm still doing PSEO in fact this year I'm full time PSEO!!! I'm taking pre-cal at northwestern, Music Theory1, US History, Account 1, and Comp, with Crown!! It's going to be so different actually going to school here at Crown. Then there's the pick a college to go to, seeing about grants and scholarships. *sigh* I'll be busy this year!!
Oh and my church is getting a new pastor and I youth pastor so that's another change th at we're all going to make.
There are changes I wish didn't happy like insight throwing what they had going for them out the window. Insight is now part of K12, which so far I'm not impressed with. They took out all the fun electives we had and now we have the typical classes. I really wanted to take criminalogy this year since last year I heard about how good it was and I'm gonna need to take half a credit of social studies, but sadly now I can't. Plus now instead of have two semesters we will have quarters. I don't like this because 3 classes just seems too light of a school load. Also I know students will wait until the very end of the quarter just to do their work because 3 classes will seem to easy so they can slack off. They'll be stressed out trying to cram all that homework in, which in turn stresses out teachers because they're grading as fast as they can to get the student's grades in. Plus once the students fail or get horrible grades they usually seem to leave because they came to insight so they wouldn't have as much stress. Another thing why make us take finals 4 times when we can do it in 2?! I mean I'm pretty sure I'm like everyone else in the fact of I don't really like finals so why go through it more?? Also they told us that they were thinking that quarters would be nice because then it gives us the students a variety of classes. Well it's kinda hard to give us a variety of classes if we only have the typical stuff now isn't it? I won't go on because I'm sure you don't want to hear it. With all these changes happening at insight I'm glad this will be my last year!! They had so much going for them and then they just threw it all away. ='( The only things I'll do with insight will probably be book club and prom committee. Anyway enough about all these changes I got to go to class!! Hope things are going well for y'all!! Bye!!!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Letter to my hurting friends
And sometimes blaming yourself for "losing" your special someone
But let me tell you something
You are beautiful, smart, cool, fun and so much more!!
If the special someone could not see that it is their lost not yours!
You deserve the best!!!
Someone who will always love you for who you are
Someone who will always be there for you
Who sees how special you really are
And yet is your friend
I know right now you can't think of loving anyone else
Or letting someone in that close
Or feeling that there is someone special out there for you
who could love you
Let me tell you God has an amazing plan just for you!
Trust him for he cares deeply about you and loves you!
You say you don't understand this pain,
You don't know how much it hurts
Or how much I miss him/her!!
Of course I don't know exactly how you feel,
But I do know pain, missing, hurting from a love one and losing a loved one.
The thing is you just have to have faith in God
And get through this time with God's help
And with friend's help
If you need me for anything don't hesitate to ask me!!
I want to help because I love you and you are special to me!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Bring Me Hope 5K
I know I'm enjoying summer!! (Okay so it's still not really summer until after tomorrow but I have been done with all my homework for a few weeks now, so I call it summer. XD) Anywho I know in summer sometimes it seems like there's nothing to do and it can get a bit boring, so I thought I'd let ya know about a really cool event!!! Bring Me Hope 5k is a 5k that all the money we (my church) earns goes to families who want to adopt but could use some financial help!! This is a great way to do something this summer that will help other people!!Anyway I need to go but the details are in the picture/flyer down below!!! Bye and have a great summer!!! Congrats to those who graduated this year!!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
A Different Valedictorian Speech
So I came cross this different Valedictorian speech. I think she got her wish....they'll never forget this Valedictorian speech. =D What do you think of her Valedictorian speech?? Bye for now I am hopping once school is over to be able to keep up with my blogs more!!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Economics cartoons
So yesterday I had to make cartoons for economics class. Here they are, enjoy them! Also feel free to let me know what you think about them!
Structural unemployment
Income inequality
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Not really sure what to title this post...
Lots of things have been happening for me over these past few weeks. Some things are good and others are not so great, but then that's life right? Well then I got thinking about all my friends who I love very much. I want them to know they can call me, or get a hold of me for what ever reason no matter what! I also want them to know I love all of then very much, you guys mean the world to me! If you ever have to vent or have a problem let me help!! I want to help and I want to be there for you! Anyway, I wrote this poem for all my friends. I hope you enjoy it!
By Sandy Cash
I have a huge family!
No I do not mean actually related to.
What I mean is my friends!
I love them all like family.
In fact they are my family.
God gave me a wonderful family,
but he also gave me wonderful friends that are like family!
Just like a family, we are all close in some way.
We share our problems and help each other.
Sure at times we fight...just like a real family does.
After the fight we hug and say we're sorry.
We learn from our fights.
When you hurt I hurt and want to make everything feel better.
I love you, and I will always be there for you!
You mean the world to me!!
I want you to come to me with your problems!
Really I want you to, that way you are not dealing with them all by yourself...
If we deal with the problems together they are much easier.
I know I might not say it enough, but I love you!!
You mean the world to me!!
I will always be here for you!!!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Don't believe those lies that you are worthless, you are nothing etc...!!
Keep those dreams!!
I know life seems so hard and that those dreams will never come true.
But don't you see?
That's what they want you to see!!
You have to keep fighting!!
Just because they have pushed you down,
does not mean they win.
The only time they win is when you let them!
Get back up!
They want you to stay down.
You are wonderful!!
God made you!!
Nothing he makes is ugly, stupid, trash, or an idiot etc...
He loves you!! He sent is only son to die just for YOU!!
Now that is love!!
I know life keeps pushing you down and hurting you,
but with God all things are possible!!
He has a wonderful future all planned out for you!!
Don't give up hope!! He loves you even when you don't feel like anyone loves you!!
Darling don't give up!
Even when the world seems to turn it's back on you,
remember God and I are here for you!!
God can do anything!! He is all powerful!!
I am only here for you so you can cry on my shoulder,
talk to me when you need to vent,
give you a hug when you need a good hug.
I love you and it hurts me when I see you there hurting...
It hurts me when you slowly lose hope,
please try to keep up the hope!
I know it is hard, believe me everyone has their hard times...
But you must keep up your hope!
Never lose hope otherwise you have lost everything.
Remember God is in control no matter what so never lose your hope!!
I love you, and I hope you don't give up.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Silly Poem by me at midnight...
So last night I stayed up really LATE last night (yes past midnight and yes I did wake up early today) for good ol' homework...My favorite thing to do. Anywho I was working on Marine Science (one of my favorite classes!!) and for an assignment I had to write a poem and well this is what I came up with!
Down in Jamaica man
There are a lot of fish.
Some of them herbivores.
Some of them omnivores.
And some even piscivores.
Plenty of color man
down under there.
It's like a little city man
down under there.
If you ever get a chance man,
go snorkeling down in Jamaica man!
So when I was beginning to write this I was thinking of an fish or some marine animal talking in a Jamaican accent and wearing one of those hats with the dreadlocks on it. Why you may ask, I really don't know just that's what I pictured and that's how I wrote it. Anywho since I thought it would be cool to like try to get a fish say it in a Jamaican accent, I looked online to see if I could do it. Well I didn't quite get what I wanted but here's what I used. =) Hope you enjoy it!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Why must we grow up so fast?
Why it seems just yesterday I was a care free little child.
Just playing with my friends, not having a worry.
Not really even know what it is to worry.
Only thing that really kept me from being happy was being afraid.
I dreamed that when I grew up, I'd be with all my besties.
We'd all go to the same high school and would all meet our "prince charming."
We'd go to colleges close by so we could keep up with each other.
Then we'd all get married to our prince charming and we'd be in each others' weddings.
We'd have families and our kids would become besties and it would start all over again.
Now I am older, and I wish for those days again.
To be so carefree would be wonderful right now.
Not having to worry about this and that.
Not having to try to figure out what you are doing for the rest of your life.
Wishing that it was easy to meet your "prince charming."
Though now I watch as my sister and younger friends just want to grow up because they think being old is so cool and you can do so much more.
They are right in you can do so much more, but with that comes a lot of responsibility.
You have to make so many hard decisions, that make you wonder did I pick the right one?
You watch your friends try to find their prince charming and watch them get hurt.
Then you also find that one, but at times it seems like it's never going to happen while you watch your friends with their boyfriends and girlfriends.
Then the next thing you know you only have one year left of high school.
You are thinking of moving out of the house.
Going to college and picking a major to go for.
After all this will be our job once you get out of college.
And you wonder where as the time gone?
Why must we all grow up so fast??
You ponder the question and then start to see how naive you were.
You are happy for those days but you are also looking forward to your future.
Monday, April 11, 2011
I am a person too and yet I walk alone,
No one sees me.
No one sees my pain.
I can cry, but no one sees me crying.
Because they don't see me,
they don't come to comfort me.
I might get a "Hi" from people,
but no one tries to really get to know me.
Does my scares have to be bigger for people to see them?
How I hurt and want someone to help me!!
But yet no one even dares to talk to me to get to know me.
I want someone who can tell right away if I really mean "I'm okay."
I want someone who will actually care and help me through all the pain.
Where are you?! Or are you even there?! Is there no one to help?!
And yet here I stay crying, but no one notices until it is too late.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Newsboys "Save Your Life" - Free Download
and one of your only friends.
I tell you that you are one of my closest friends too.
No, wait you are more than that,
you are my sister!
Whom I love and care about deeply.
We've had our differences,
but this time it seems different.
You are mad at me.
I tell you I am very sorry
and that I did not mean to hurt you!
You say you forgive me.
I believe you, but then....
The next thing I know
you seem to be ignoring me!
All I ask is why?
I thought you said you forgave me!!
I thought you valued our friendship more than this!
I hope this does not mean our friendship is coming to a end.
After all you are my sister...
So now I wait to find out if this means an end to our friendship or
if you still want to be my friend...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Why Must I Feel This Way?
So this is a poem I wrote for a friend is hurting and I can understand her pain. In fact it reminded me some of the pain I've had to go through...any case I began to write this poem. I hope you guys like it!
Why Must I Feel This Way?
By Sandra Cash
Why must I feel this way?!
I hurt in so many places!!
Yet as soon as I feel like I have stopped hurting...
The pain just comes back even harder than the first time.
I want to yell at you God!
Ask why you allow this?!
How could you?!
Can't you see how much I am hurting?!
You say I'm your daughter and yet you allow this!!
Since I am one of his children he hurts when I am hurting.
He does love me, but sin is in this world.
Because of the sin, we hurt...oh how this world can hurt people.
But God, my father, he will heal me.
He can also use my pain to help others who are in pain.
He can make the ugliest problem something beautiful.
Now I can slowly begin to understand, it is this broken world that causes this pain.
Thankfully God is hear to heal this pain.
Thank you God for healing this pain and loving me.
Thank you!
ENG115 Video Unit 6!!
Andrea made this super cool video for Unit 6 of Folklore, Myths and Legends! Enjoy!! (AWESOME Job Andrea!!)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
BIG Announcement!!
I started yet another blog today....I'm hoping to be able to keep both of my blogs running....but we'll see how well I can run 2 blogs. The other blog is http://adopteestalk.blogspot.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Shirt I made!
I made this shirt a while ago (SOOO much fun to sew!!), but I just now took pictures of it! Enjoy! :) I'm hoping to be able to make my own prom dress!! We'll see how that goes! =) Bye!
Cool forensic video!!
So for forensic science I had to watch this video. It's about Dr. Hawley Harvey Crippen who in 1910 was found guilty in England of murdering his wife, Cora. Crippen. Crippen was executed by hanging for the crime. In 1910, Crippen's wife disappeared suddenly. Crippen told family friends that she had gone to the U.S. to visit and had become sick and died. After this Crippen's secretary moved into his home, this caused a lot of gossip. Friends of Cora asked the police to look into the matter, but after they began asking questions about the matter, Crippen and his new love fled from London. The police searched the Crippen home and found body parts in the cellar of Crippen’s home. The police report stated the victim had been poisoned and then hacked up into pieces. However, modern day forensic scientists were curious about the case and this is what they found out! =) It's super interesting just make sure you have an hour to waste before you start the video! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Bye! Oh if you want to read more on the Crippen case you can here. Also if the video does not play you can watch it here.
Monday, February 21, 2011
ENG115 Video Unit 4 and 5!!
So remember me telling you how ENG115 (Folklore, Myths, and Legends) is awesome?! Well here's another video that gives you a brief description of what unit 4 and 5 are all about! Enjoy!
Monday, February 14, 2011
2 Year Anniversary!
So on the 12th was Josh and mine second year anniversary. =D (I can't believe it's been that long, but on the other hand I can. XD) We did not celebrate our anniversary until today! Today we went to Mystic Lake Casino for dinner! =D I also got to meet his twin sisters, who are awesome! Anywho here's a few pictures of us.(^^ that pic is not as good as the one below...except that Josh is about to blink....oh well!)
Here's the teddy bear Josh gave me. =D
And here is the ring Josh made me!(it's made out of a flat piece of copper!! I have no idea how he did it!!! I've got one talented boyfriend!!) =D
Sunday, February 13, 2011
^_^ I hope you guys have a great Valentine's day!! Luv y'all!! (Isn't that heart thing just totally cute and funny!!!) Also here's a video for y'all!! =D Sorry if you're not in the video but I didn't have pics of everyone =(
Friday, February 4, 2011
To English Teachers!!
I have to say I have just found a new respect for English teachers!! =) I can not image all the grading they do!! And dealing with us (I'm guilty of this too) using "I" or calling the reader "you" etc... I have no idea how they do it!! I am now understanding why my old English teacher can get a bit depressed with grading. It is truly a hard thing to do! I have to say to you English teachers thank you for putting up with us your students and helping us learn how to write. =) You guys are awesome and deserve to be thanked! (So do all you other teachers!!)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Dave Barnes - God Gave Me You in American Sign Language
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Folklore, Myths and Legends!!
So my wonderful used to be teacher Andrea (Who is a awesome teacher!!!) made this wickedly awesome video!!
Now isn't that awesome?! Don't you want to join that class?? I know I loved it!! Now what insight should do is make a second sem for it!! I'd totally do it if they made a second sem!!!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Shame on you states!
So I saw this news story on yahoo here's the link. As you might remember I am completely against the new Arizona immigration law. If you want my take on it please go to the following post. When I first read it was outraged that these states are thinking about it. When it is clearly wrong no matter how you look at it. It also made me think back in history when we had the Jim Crow laws; which then made me think of this quote "History always repeats it's self." If this is true than does this mean that it's going to take another civil war to finally realize this law is not right! Or will we be able to realize this before another civil war? What is your take on this new law?
Why must it be like this?
I've never done anything to you.
The only thing I have done to you is give you your space
and respect that everyone deserves.
And yet you look at me with disgust,
because of my background.
You make jokes about my skin color and my culture.
Might I remind you that you get tan and dark
when you have been out in the sun.
We are all equal and have the same rights here.
And yet you make laws against me and belittle me.
I am a lot like you except for my heritage, and skin.
Isn't this American where everyone has the same rights?
Or are we going back to when we had the Jim Crow laws?
Didn't you learn about the injustice from those laws?
And yet here we are about to do the same thing,
but to a different heritage.
Do we really need to go through another civil war?
Or anything like that?
I will have you know that I will fight against these laws
until they are taken down.
For these laws are against me and are not right what so ever!
I want my kids and other kids to be able to grow up without this
racism against them.
I will do the best I can to give these kids this dream.
For no kid or person should have to go through this.
This is my dream. just like Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
What I did with my 3 day weekend
Friday, January 14, 2011
Pieces of Me
We were so close you and I...
We did everything together...
We had fun together...
We learned so much from each other.
You taught me how to do so may things,
Like how to be a great friend and how to be more out going
You where like my safety blanket when I was little;
You where there for me when I was hurting and when I did not feel like I fit in.
Yet now here we are,
You are pushing me away...
Can't you see how much this is hurting me?!
Why can't we still be as close as we used to be?!
Why now after all that we have been through?!
I don't want you to leave me!
You have been apart of my life for so long how can you leave me now?!
Now I sit here lost, confused and hurt.
Just wishing this was a horrible dream,
and yet knowing it is not...
I am here just wishing I did not get as close to you,
because than this would not hurt as much.
But if I did not let you get as close who knows what would have happened.
I believe I finally understand the quote:
"'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
For if I have never known you I probably would not have been who I am today.
I will pick myself up and put myself back together.
For there shall be more people who I grow close to and love.
And they will be apart of my life just like you.
I will always be grateful for the friendship we once had,
and I will always remember the wonderful memories we had.
Friday, January 7, 2011
My Puppy!
So I was going to share these pics of my puppy after having taken a bath a while ago, but since I've been somewhat busy I haven't. So here they are! Though I'm thinking I'm going to need to give my puppy another bath soon...
She's soo cute with that baby towel on her! Oh by the way everyone that black thing on her snout is her gentle leader. It helps me keep her in the bathtub even though she hates getting baths.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
So I got this email.
Franklin Graham will be presenting the Good News of Jesus Christ at the Festival of Hope in Haiti on Sunday, nearly one year after Samaritan's Purse began providing aid to victims of the devastating earthquake that struck the country. The evangelistic event will be streamed live on the Samaritan's Purse website beginning at 1:30 p.m. Eastern time. READ MORE & WATCH OUR LATEST VIDEO." And then it talks about how to spread the word around. It looks very interesting and I'd love to wait it if I remember. I just though I'd let you guys know!
Monday, January 3, 2011
A Father's Concern
You watch her get close to him and are happy that they are happy. But you also are worried he will brake her heart after all this is her first love.
Then comes the day when she runs to you saying "It's over! It's over and I never saw it coming!" You try your best to comfort her . Telling her that it is his lost, not hers. But deep down inside you know the words you say to her she won't realize that they are true until later. All you want to do is to erase the pain you see in her. You also want to yell at him who caused her the pain asking how could you do this to her?! But you know this won't help her.
You don't know how to help her so you just sit there by her side and are there for her as best as you can be. Because it hurts you to see her hurting like this and you know you can't do a thing about it. You pray late at night asking for healing for her. She tells you she can't and won't be able to love another person, but you know that's not true.
You hope the next time she comes running to you to tell you all about him. That this is the one and the one to stay.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
My amazing friend Vi
One of my amazing friends Vi has wrote what I had wish to write for a few of my friends, but failed at it. I hope for those of my friends who are hurting find these words comforting. Sorry I couldn't put it like this. Here's the link to the poem. If that doesn't work go "Links you should visit" click on the Vi's Blog, and it will be the first post. If you for some reason can not find it, the poem will be down below. But please visit her blog for more poems and stories from her. She is a wonderful writer! love ya
post trying to keep posting.
By Violet JensenIts a shame you can’t see
The difference between
Two friends and the one thing they share
The love of their lives
And one has gone
I wish you could see
How it has hurt him
Love of me life
You would do just the same
His love has left him
Without any reason why
He has a right to know
I just wish would see
That the reason he needs to know
He though it was
You argue with me
“He needs to let go”
“But he needs to know”
He thought it was love
Had his heart torn apart
Can you just be there
For the sake that your friends
I wish you could see
How it has hurt him
Love of me life
You would do just the same
His love has left him
Without any reason why
He has a right to know
I just wish would see
That the reason he needs to know
He thought it was
He has seen what she is
He knows what she’s done
Now he needs our help
He needs us as friends
Just to be there for him
Tell him all will be well
And he’s not all alone
I wish you could see
How it has hurt him
Love of me life
You would do just the same
His love has left him
Without any reason why
He has a right to know
I just wish would see
That the reason he needs to know
He thought it was
Just open you eyes
Look at what love can do
It shuts off a person’s mind
Just listen to me
‘Cuz you really should see
Beyond just the visible pain
The heart ache inside
My love you will see
I’ll help you to see
I wish you could see
How it has hurt him
Love of me life
You would do just the same
His love has left him
Without any reason why
He has a right to know
I just wish would see
That the reason he needs to know
He thought it was
Some day he’ll find love